Upon heading up to the surface, the thought of dread and worry was soon replaced by a sense of child-like excitement again as the sounds and air of the town filled his senses. He was brought back to memories of his father taking him to the town while he traded and having days where they went for the festivals, all pleasant and happy days when things were fairly normal. He was able to get away from the bullies in the village and even though there was sometimes people looking at him because of his skin colour he in return had little care for that when the whole day was often filled with happiness. He got to dress up sometimes, he bought his first instrument and got to eat the local food whenever he had spare rupees; however, even with all this happiness everywhere he was not allowed to take part in any of it. Even if he went to the stalls he usually visited when he was in the town, nobody would recognise him. Other times he would be happy he was not being looked at, but to be unable to talk to people he knew or interact with anyone could only make him feel depressed as he wondered when he wouldn’t be considered ‘wanted’ anymore. It was kind of sad, really. Every other incarnation of him before had probably been praised by the people for standing up for them and fighting against the evil that plagued their land, but the people here knew no better. Even if he was normal and talked to people he knew there was no doubt that they would get nervous, tell him to run and hide or possibly turn him in. Looking around briefly as they walked along, he was desperately looking for any signs of his father just in case he happened to be here today, but sadly there was nothing. He wouldn’t mind going back to Kakariko Village to see him, but unfortunately they had other pressing matters to get to and personal visits wasn’t one of them. As they made their way along with Regol taking the lead he kept his head low whenever there was nobody around, only looking up at what he wished he could interact with. It was a rather depressing state of existence, but Caelan seemed happy enough to go along and give his positive input. Looking up to him with a rather sorry expression he frowned, looking away with a shake of his head. “He tried to kill me several times. He’s just here to benefit himself”, he muttered, sighing lightly, “Not that I shouldn’t be surprised. Everyone wants to kill me. I’m just here to be targeted and to play out some sort of destiny I have no control over…well, I thought I had control over, but…now…hmm, I don’t want it. This control isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when it means I can’t help anyone or do anything while I have it”.