Being rocked away in the seat of the shuttle she was riding in, Angel, looked through the small window down at the planet they were heading to. She made a grimace at the familiar sight, planets from the Faded kingdom always were grim and depressing even from space, but this one looked even worse than most.[color=6ecff6]” Never expected I will be returning in this sector again...”[/color] She muttered to herself, remembering bad moments from her childhood. She agreed to this job, because the pay was good enough to basically retire from flying on random transports so she can pay the bills so to say. She hoped one day to open a repair shop on one of the worlds where space races were held. She had been there on an occasion when she was demanded for her specific abilities, but to open up shop there, costed immense amount of cash, it wasn't something she can just collect doing routine flight mechanic duties, while having to also pay for essence. That body need was too costly on her wallet. Suddenly the shuttle rocked, tearing her away from her thoughts as she quickly reached to the handle of the seat. They were passing through the atmosphere, she looked through the small window once again. Well there was no going back now, from here on it was all a matter of surviving this hellhole and living long enough to get her pay so she can open that small repair shop she always wanted. As the vessel they were riding on finally stabilized, she quickly checked her equipment. She first pulled the smaller handgun she had that was hanging on her right hip. It was her W&S 57-Alpha, made by the company Winters&Sons, this handgun was one of the many that continued the tradition of standard old school firearms. Of course materials had changed significantly since the distant past. The bullets used by this pistols were made by alloys hard enough to pierce thin layers of materials used for some spaceships and it's blasting gel used in the bullets certainly gave it the speed needed to reach even truly distant targets. After making sure her main weapon was in order, she quickly pulled the one that was on the back of her waist. At first glance it looked like a plasma revolver, utilizing a standard issue plasma clip, but on closer inspection a fine number of small differences could be found, including the very specific, wolf's skull that's biting a bone, insignia on the handle. Nicknamed 'The hound', this is a special variation of the plasma revolvers. Made by unknown traveling inventors, for specific people, this gun is incredibly hard to come by. Where the standard plasma revolver can fire multiple up to a few dozen weaker plasma bolts, The hound utilizes the entire clip in one single shot, incredibly powerful and especially useful against heavily armored targets as the super heated plasma sticks to the targets and just heats and melts the armor even more. Following that, she reached to check the small kit of tools that was hanging on her left hip. The case of the kit was made from metal used for combat ship armors thus ensuring the survival of the delicate instruments within. Those were tools for repairing spaceship systems and were incredibly hard to come by for Angel. She had to take nearly a year with little to no Essence so she can afford these. It was fair to say those were her most prized possessions and she was ready to injure... and kill for them. Everything else she already knew was on her, because aside the clothes on her back, the small PDA was attached to her sleeve and her credit chip was inside her arm. That was all her possession in the moment. As the shuttle landed, she quickly rose from her seat, but wasn't the first to head to the exit hatch. Ohh noes, she knew well enough sometimes there were thugs waiting to shoot the first moment the hatch on arriving shuttles opened. When she finally exited last, she noticed the landing zone was secured in advance by what appeared to be armed forces of some kind. She now took a good look around, breathed the air and listened to the wind... The taste of decay and ruin was everywhere and the sound of distant gunshot was ringing in her ears.[color=6ecff6]” Baelzarus VI … this is even more of a pit than my birth planet...”[/color] She muttered distastefully. She now looked around to find her new captain. She was used to change them a lot since she always changed cargo ships. She needed to at least remember his face.