[@Damo021] The event will be starting on the 24th. [quote=@Madame Kitten] [center][h1]GM and Co-GM Event Announcement[/h1] [h2][color=f26522]Halloween[/color] [color=92278f]Masquerade[/color] [color=8dc73f]Costume[/color] [color=ed1c24]Party[/color][/h2] This event will start on the 24th of October Eastern Standard Time. This event will be hosted in the mall once everything is cleared out, and will be the best Halloween party ever! Every character has to wear a costume and a mask (which I will need pictures whether they're animated or real and if you need help just ask me since I'm an expert of the abyss called Google images) and pets who attend must be in costume as well (though its up to you if they have matching themes!) Anywho, I will be leaving clues for everyone at the party, and those clues will lead you to places where your characters can find some of the missing facts to Miss. Dawson's CS, and will lead you to know who Natalia Rose Dawson truly is. There will be other events like this during Thanksgiving, Holiday Time, Valentine's day, Easter, and so on if we can get to those events (which I'm praying this RP will last a long time!) Each event will lead you closer to finding out the key to destroying Miss. Dawson and getting out of the Home you've come to know.... But in the end, you may just be surprised to find out who she really is, and decide not to kill her. There's always a chance you can talk her into letting you out and let her come with you to safety since she's possibly in the same situation as you. But then again, maybe she's not like you and she enjoys being a warden over all of you. Maybe you will have to kill her to get out. In the end, its all of your choices that will either keep her alive or kill her. There's no other way. So choose wisely, as both will have its rewards and consequences, and remember; Don't judge a book by its cover. It's the contents that matter the most. [/center] [/quote]