[hider=The Whirpool of the Abyss] [color=aqua][center][h1]Forneus - The Abyssal Lord of Water[/h1][/center][/color] [center]Appearance:[/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/1471935b7e23c444132c83292cc6545e.png[/img][/center] [b]Universe:[/b] Romancing Saga 3 [b]Personality:[/b] Forneus is a cold, calculating demon who enjoys outwitting his enemies instead of simply rushing in with force. He is charismatic and will rationalize people who might attempt to kill him before they pitifully attempt to stop the lord of water. His bubbly way with words and his intelligence make him a strong ally to the rest of the Abyssal Lords and is most noted for being their planner, as such he is precise and very meticulous with his actions. He absolutely despises those who think they are smarter than they actually are and is vicious towards anyone who is arrogant. [b]Powers/Skills:[/b] Forneus is a [b]very[/b] strong user of Water Magic, with a flick of his wrist he can unleash powerful waves, squalls, spear-like rain and even exploding bubbles. His most dangerous ability out of all of these is a forbidden spell known as [b][color=aqua]Maelstrom[/color][/b] that bends Mother Nature's serene grace to usher in a mighty conglomeration of waves, whirpools and images of sea monsters to rip appart whoever may stand in his path, however this may only be used if he is next to or is currently in a body of water. Forneus is also able to channel dead souls to the abyss via a magic circle, due to his status as an Abyssal Lord and due to his mission of gathering the power of the abyss. He can communicate with the souls he absorbs, learning new knowledge about his surroundings and things about others. He also has the ability to read a things aura and like most other lords can draw conclusions from the personality or overflowing emotion. Other than his magic Forneus is quite skilled at fencing, earning himself the nickname "Swordfish" by his fellow lord Aunas. His fencing techniques are mostly based of aquatic life and are very fast- much like the waves of the ocean during a storm. His most notable technique is known as the "Pufferfish Stab" in which he repeatedly strikes the target with incredible speed and precision. Most of his other power was destroyed when the Death Eclipse ended, so to most he would seem like a normal wizard. [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Forneus was born from the Abyss, a horrible, nightmarish place that housed many of demons, abominations and god knows what-else. When the first Death Eclipse occurred, the Four Abyssal Lords were brought into existence. The eclipse's purpose was to end all life on the planet so that a new era may be ushered in as the Abyss absorbs the life-force of the previous era. These lords were responsible for ending the world when the eclipse occurs by creating powerful natural disasters. Mind-shattering earthquakes that ripped apart the soil and made the very essence of gravity tremble; [b]Arakes[/b]. Speed of light winds that wreaked havoc upon the fertile earth, blowing away and leaving no trace of what had once been there; [b]Byunei[/b]. Terrifying and destructive waters that rose above and beyond, destroying the peace of the ocean and wiping away all life on land; [b]Forneus[/b]. Magma and Raging Fires that seeped out of the unholy hell of the earth's core, burning every last organism to a crisp and causing the very planet to be set ablaze with agony; [b]Aunas[/b]. Combined, these four lords and the ruler of the Abyss caused the planet to simply cease its living once every 300 years. The Abyss afterwards would absorb the energy from the dying planet so that it would further consume the boundary between life and death until it had completely extinguished the concept of both; thus bending the fabric of reality and creating its own laws and physics. Once the line had been blurred, a terrible creature would finally be released. This creature was so terrifying and so unspeakable the gods above took immediate action, they sealed the power of the Abyss into the planet it had abused for so long in the form of four gates; each on one corner of the earth. As for the creature, it was to be sealed inside two living beings known as: "The Destined Children". Who should never- [b]ever[/b] meet, for if they do- the creature will re-emerge, ending all life as we know it. 1000 years after the creation of these Children, a disturbance occurred. The life on earth: humans, discovered how to track the eclipse. Using this knowledge, a youth with Green Hair led a team of friends on a quest to finally end the bloody cycle and to destroy the Abyss completely. For 2 years they struggled to find the Abyss Gates that contained the Four Noble Devils, facing many hardships and trials. Eventually, with sheer power that not even the Lord of Water himself could expect- they defeated every last one. They even managed to fight their way into the Abyss, however as they did- the Destined Children also made their way to the Abyss in order to finally release the creature. The four lords, seeing as their time was limited revealed their true selves- and fought the group one last time. The battle raged for at least six hours and all of them were defeated- fading into the Abyss as they once were. Finally, the young heroes took on the creature, entering a long and bloody battle. The eclipse occurred during this fight, however even though they knew they would perish they still fought with their might. Finally, after one last heave the creature was destroyed- it's sheer power caused the Abyss itself to rupture and with that- the planet destroyed. At first it seemed like a victory to the abyss until the world once again reincarnated, and returned to the way it once with every hero alive as if nothing had happened. Everyone who had fought for so long finally lived in peace without a care in the world, however- unbeknownst to them; the Abyss did not fade... Forneus and the other lords began to think about ways to reinstate the eclipse, possibly extinguishing human life forever and freeing the earth finally so that the demons could live in peace. Finally, they reached a plan: They would send one of themselves to an alternate dimension and gather power from there so that when they returned, they would have enough energy to recreate an entirely new eclipse. They chose Forneus for this task because of his sheer intelligence and overall planning. Forneus now travels through a portal of tormented souls, making his way to Roanpour and hopefully- restoring the power of the Abyss. [b]Equipment:[/b] Neptune's Trident - [i]A trident imbued with the power of water. It's movements are as elegant as the waves, but it's strikes are as fearful as an oncoming storm. It is Forneus' sacred weapon and it instills fears into those he fights with.[/i] Horn of Capricorn - [i]A horn that Forneus uses to create astral projections and to find his way to his next objective. It was created using the dead carcasses of a thousand crabs and it sounds beautiful to those who lend an ear.[/i] Vengeful - [i]A short sword with a teethed edge that was abandoned by its old master long ago. It holds a resentment towards others and hates those who it's master despises. Forneus is the only lord with enough mental fortitude to handle this blade.[/i] Necklace of Rubiss - [i]A special necklace given to Forneus by a worshipper of the Abyss, it alerts him when he is near an area with a massive amount of the dead so he may use their souls to harbor them for the abyss.[/i] Others: He really, loves the sea. God help you if you decide to at least think about destroying it.[/hider]