[b]Highton View Terrace[/b][hr] Cadell slid his bare feet across the polished floorboards. The cold that permeated the wood was quickly upon his legs. He stepped over to his full body mirror and scowled, though it appeared more like indifference, at the bed-head man that glowered back at him. It was just another day, at least it felt like one. But even he could sense and feel the unease in the air. Last night his sister had freak coughing fit at dinner, it made the whole family tense since a bit of blood that been coughed up too. They hoped it was only a tear in her throat but even then that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. The youth lowered his light brown eyes in despairing thought. His little sister had always been ill … what if she was finally giving in? He sighed softly before rubbing the back of his neck soothingly. [color=orange][i][b]N[/b]ever think that again! She’s far stronger than me and I would[/i] never [i]give up[/i][/color] [center][b] * * * * *[/b][/center] Slinging his bag’s strap onto his shoulder, Cadell opened the door to his home with a piece of bread hanging in his mouth limply. His mother spared a word just as he passed through it. “No playing after school today, Cadell. Straight home, ya got that?” Cadell nodded once with an assured smirk. [color=orange][b] “Y[/b]ea. Straight home, no playing in the park. I gotcha.”[/color] He closed the door behind him and stuffed his hands into his pockets, all the while chomping on the gnawing on the bread between his lips. On his mind was the powerful coughing coming from his sister’s room. He closed his eyes instinctively, the deepest impressions on his heart swimming its way to the surface. Before he knew it, he was running from the dark thoughts and towards the elevator. Inside, he pressed the down button and leaned his head against the back wall, distress plainly in his brown eyes.