[quote=Zane620] Yu watched at Ryuu's prediction was spot on as the dark mass formed into a rather big Hollow who indeed had three horn on top of its head, but once it formed it fired off a cero right away, which Yu dodged by going to the left, he saw Ryuu going behind it, and cut off a chunk of its leg causing it to fall to one knee. Giving it no chance to rest, Yu shunpoed in front of his face, with Yu's reiatsu covering his fist. Yu then slammed his fist as hard as he could into it's head, he saw a crack in its mask and dodged the next swing. Yu then took up Ryuus idea and cut off his own chunk in the right leg, making the Hollow fall to both his knees. [/quote] Ryuu watched as Yu attacked the hollow and once he had finished he noticed the chunk that had been cut out from the hollows left leg began regenerating "It's regenerating..." Ryuu shunpoed up into the air then held out his Zanpakuto infront of him as black smokey spiritual energy surrounded his blade then he pulled it back behind his head then slashed down hard towards the hollow sending off a massive arc of black smokey spiritual energy that cut through the hollows left shoulder cutting it's arm completely off but before the arm even hit the ground it had disintegrated and seemingly vanished...almost as if it was eaten and at that point Ryuu's spiritual energy spiked for a few seconds before subsiding "Hmpf..."