[center][h2][b][u]The Conclave Begins[/u][/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://img02.deviantart.net/fdde/i/2010/296/e/a/knights_hall_by_kerko-d31bfx3.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Starguard Council Room[/i][/center] [hr] The sun was setting by the time the Knight-Commanders took their seats in the great hall. Light shined in through the windows bathing the room in golden light which also reflected off of the armor of everyone in attendance. The sounds of various ongoing conversations echoed through the large hall as the commanders awaited the arrival of the High Templar. Meanwhile Knight-Commander Grathan sat silently in his seat watching the others and listening in the conversations of those nearby. [b]"Tis just as I said earlier, some doubt the urgency of the situation"[/b], Grathan spoke softly to Evelyn who stood beside her commander. As interesting as this meeting would be Evelyn was a bit on edge. The fact that her words were critical to determining the path The Order would take weighed heavily on her and she worried terribly what to say. [color=fff79a][b]"Do you know how many, exactly?"[/b][/color], she asked hoping there wouldn't be too many and that peer pressure would overcome their opinions. Grathan glanced to his sides before answering, [b]"Almost half, it appears"[/b] [color=fff79a][b]"And you expect me to sway their views on the matter?! Inspiring troops is one thing but this is a council of seasoned Templars! I'm not so sure I can-"[/b][/color] [b]"The High Templar will question you, answer from your heart and ignore all else. These men may be high in rank but they are Templars all the same. I trust you will succeed, you always have in the past"[/b] [color=fff79a][b]"Fighting beasts and winning a council are two different things"[/b][/color], Grathan chuckled at Evelyn's remark but quickly silenced himself as soon as he noticed the hall doors open. First entered the honor guard in their white armor with gold trim. Their forward march was perfectly synchronized and they moved with an almost inhuman rigidity. As soon as the honor guard took their positions around the hall a single man entered. The High Templar walked in silence down the center sun bathed hall in view of all his commanders who were stood up silently out of respect and admiration. It was only until the High Templar took his seat at his throne did the other Knight-Commanders sit. There was a silence before the Hight Templar addressed the court, [b]"Today, the twenty-first day of Frostmere in the four hundred and seventy-ninth year of the Third Era, marks the Sixth Conclave of this era. I, William Orgarun, High Templar of The Knights of The Dawn Covenant, have gathered you here to convene on a matter than threatens all the realms of man and mer. Over the past few months there have been an incredible number of reports of disappearances in northern Farendar. Coincidentally there have also been reports of a newly formed cult seeking initiates in the same region-"[/b]. [b]"Forgive my interruption, my lord, but northern Farendar is a dangerous place as it is. Who is to say these disappearances are not the work of an overpopulation of beasts we've yet to slay?"[/b], Knight-Commander Irvinth awaited for the approval of his peers but received no such thing. He sat back down in his seat with his head hung low.  [b]"The reason this is so suspicious, Commander Irvinth, is that among these missing peoples reports are the disappearances of recently buried bodies. One of our spies managed to send a report back to us, in it he states that the cultists were working on bringing back the one true god to this world. A cult alone is of no concern, a cult of necromancers stealing the living and the dead is a real and very dangerous threat. Of course I can only act with the support of council but if we choose to act I will invoke The Rite of Purity. Until then I ask, what say you?"[/b], there was a brief silence before the entire hall broke out in an uproar. Men were practically screaming at each other as Evelyn watched it all silently beside Grathan whose anger grew with each passing second. Finally Grathan got up from his seat and in one swift movement slammed his staff into the ground. An thunderous boom shot out through the hall followed by a voice just as loud and intimidating shouting, [b]"SILENCE!"[/b]. The entire council fell silent as even the High Templar stared in shock. [b]"HAVE YOU NO SENSE?! OUR ENEMY GROWS AN ARMY AND YOU WISH TO DEBATE ON THE SEVERITY OF THE SITUATION?! HOW FAR WE HAVE FALLEN WHERE WE VALUE OUR LIVES MORE THAN THE LIVES WE SWORE TO PROTECT! GONE ARE THE DAYS OF HEROES AND BRAVE MEN, NOW IT IS LEFT TO OUR WOMEN TO FIGHT FOR US!"[/b], Grathan calmed himself before signaling to a wide eyed Evelyn to take the stage. With some hesitation she walked over to the center of the hall with one hand resting on the pommel of her sword and the other holding her helmet. Before she could speak a Knight-Commander cut her off, [b]"Who is this you bring to us, Grathan? Who is she to-"[/b] [color=fff79a][b]"My name is Knight-Captain Evelyn Sunderland, daughter of Lord Theran and Lady Irea of House Sunderland, and I am more than worthy to judge you all. I was born to be Wardeness of Southern Farendar, a right that was taken from me and so I became Templar of the Dawn. The moment I stepped foot in this same castle all those years ago my life as a Sunderland ended. The Order is all I am, and as long as I have served I've seen the evils of both man, mer, and beast. I've seen the pain such evil causes on the innocent and each time I remember the vows I took upon becoming a Templar. My life would be forfeited to the service of the realms, I will take no titles outside The Order, I will seek no fortune, and I will shed my blood to protect the blood of the innocent. Here I recite these vows to men who should know them better than I, yet you do not practice it. Knight-Commanders, it is our duty to remain vigilant over your territories. To allow such a threat to even gain standing is an insult to The Order. My Lord Templar, while our enemy should not go ignored, to invoke The Right of Purity breaks our vows as Templars. The innocent mages killed in the purge will stain our hands with their blood. I do not suggest we sit by and do nothing nor do I suggest we approach every obstacle as if it were a nail to be hammered. Careful planning must be involved if we are to be successful. In the meantime we will make efforts to suppress this cult's activities until a valid plan is forged"[/b][/color]. There was silence throughout the hall as everyone present contemplated what they'd just heard. Some were insulted, others impressed, but all were in awe at the bravery of this woman to speak her mind in such a tone. Finally High Templar Orgarun spoke, [b]"And what plan, if any, have you devised for us?"[/b]. Her response was not immediate and to some it seemed as though Evelyn had been stumped. It wasn't until multiple commanders began to smirk did she speak, [color=fff79a][b]"You spoke of a spy already embedded in the cult, send more and have them find their main gathering areas. We cannot make it seem as though we know of their presence so we should maintain patrols as usual in the north. Once our spies have identified their main meeting place we will send troops to deal with them and hopefully put an end to what they are planning"[/b][/color] It seemed a valid plan to High Templar Organus who looked impressed with the young Knight-Captain. [b]"Very well, we will gather more information on this cult before moving on their territory. Before we do anything however, a messenger must be sent to King Gregor to inform him of what transpires in his kingdom. Captain Sunderland, you will be our messenger. At dawn you will take three other Templars with you to the capitol, gods go with you"[/b], Evelyn bowed her head to the High Templar before returning to Grathan who wore an immense smile on his face. [b]"You did well"[/b], he said softly so as to not to describe the continuing Conclave. [color=fff79a][b]"Unfortunately it earned me the task of messenger"[/b][/color], Evelyn replied with annoyance in her voice. [b]"The way you swayed the council, I see no one better to inform the King of what is to come"[/b], Grathan glanced out the window of the hall to see the light of the sun had vanished. [b]"You should rest, you ride at dawn after all"[/b], Evelyn had to hold back her frustrations as she exited the hall and headed to the officer's wing of the castle. Once within her chamber she stripped herself of her armor before readying a bath.  [center][h2][b][u]The Longest Winter[/u][/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/oMLGlgSPUhQUfbhDvU4quQ--/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD00MDA7dz02MzY-/http://images.alphacoders.com/960/96051.jpg.cf.jpg[/img][/center] Night had fallen and most of Starguard's three thousand Templars were either asleep or sitting around the various fires tending to their weapons. Evelyn had been fast asleep in her bed chamber when a sudden flash of light rose her from her slumber. Sitting up in one swift movement she scanned the entire room for whatever created that light. At first she believed it to be the torches on the hall outside but looking towards the door it revealed the only light coming from beneath the door was not as bright as what had awoken her. No, someone had to have opened the door, someone was in the room with her. Evelyn eyed every inch of the room looking desperately for something resembling a body. Finally she convinced herself it was a guard checking on her she began to lay back in her bed. In the last possible second before her eyes closed Evelyn noticed the curtain move and she quickly shot a lightening bolt out towards it. The crackling sound of the lightening echoed and was magnified by the room leaving a ringing in her ears. Fortunately the light from the bolt revealed a robed figured with a knife in hand, but seeing her attacker came at the cost of her night vision which vanished the second the bolt disappeared. The robed figure lunged at Evelyn with their knife aimed to stab, to Evelyn's fortune the blade missed its mark allowing her to grab the assassins arm. The two fought and wrestled on the bed before Evelyn's attacker managed to get his hands on her neck. Squeezing as hard as he could the robed man pressed all his weight down hoping to put a quick end to the Knight-Captain. Evelyn refused to die in such a manner and so with her free hand she fired multiple bolts of lightening into her assailant's torso. The bolts blasted right through his torso causing blood and guts to spill out onto the bed. For a moment it seemed as though it didn't even phase the man as he kept on squeezing but in truth the clamping was a reaction to the blast.  Evelyn threw the corpse off of her and cleaned as much of the blood off of her as possible before getting into her armor. The guards needed to be alerted of this but there would be no way she'd leave this room without protection. Once she was fully equipped Evelyn exited her chambers to find a couple of guards who lay dead further down the hall. [color=fff79a][i]"That they died so he could get to me..."[/i][/color], was the first thing that came to mind as Evelyn ran past them to alert anyone who wasn't aready dead. That's when she saw the true status of things, up in reaching the walls of the upper stronghold Evelyn would be able to view the entiree battlfield. The enemy had been hidden within their own ranks and were now setting fire to the encampment. It didn't take long before fighting broke out, however as everyone wore the same armor it was near impossible to tell who was friend or foe. In the distance a massive source of light began to light up the main road leading to Starguard. An army of cultists, undead, demons, and all manner of evil advanced towards the ancient keep. Thousands of twisted blades could be heard clattering against blood stained shields, the sheer number of this force could be determined by the sound of their approach alone as every last invader howled over and over the words, [b]"SAR'THAN GHOL! SAR'THAN GHOL! SAR'THAN GOL!"[/b]. [color=fff79a][b]"I have to find the commanders, the men must rally behind the castle walls!"[/b][/color], she said to herself, a bit too loudly as another dagger weilding cultist came sprinting across the courtyard. Before he could even approach a massive beam of fire enveloped him until he was reduced to ash. Before she could properly register what had just happened a familiar voice called out to her, [b]"ENTER THE HALL! NOW!"[/b]. Evelyn did not hesitate, with haste she burst into the conclave hall to be greeted by the surviving Knight-Commanders. Grathan came forth from among the survivors, his right eye stabbed and poorly bandaged. [b]"The extra men were wolves in sheep's clothing, how they managed to gain our uniforms is beyond me, this attack was planned.[/b], Grathan said as he approached his Cpatain wth a limp. Those words hit Evelyn hard, she had figured this was the case but to actually hear it struck hard at her heart, [color=fff79a][b]"Commander, we must rally the men to the upper levels of the keep! We can hold from there-!"[/b][/color] [b]"Tis no use, all the other Knight-Captains aside from you were killed. Who you see here are all that remains of the Knight Commanders.[/b] [color=fff79a][b]"And of the High Templar?"[/b][/color] [b]"He is with the gods now...Evelyn, we cannot hold Starguard, not with our forces dispersed this way. All we can do now is slay as many as we can before we meet our end"[/b] [color=fff79a][b]"Then it has been an honor, sir"[/b][/color], Evelyn reached for her sword but her hand was halted by Grathan. [b]"No, not you"[/b] [color=fff79a][b]"What? Why?!"[/b][/color] [b]"You are the last Knight-Captain, well respected at that. You must bring word of what has happened here to the rest of The Order"[/b], Grathan's hand grew weak as he rested it on Evelyn's. The Knight-Captain stared in shock, fear, and frustration as she kew what this would mean. [color=fff79a][b]"I will not abandon you here!"[/b][/color], she yelled but to the reception of silence throughout the hall. [b]"We are old men, Evelyn. Wounded as well we would only slow you down. The Order will need guidance and from what you've seen here you will be the most capable to lead"[/b] [color=fff79a][b]"You cannot ask me to leave you all this way! I swore an oath-"[/b][/color] [b]"An oath you will keep by ensuring our deaths mean something. Now go, escape the Keep and head to the eastern end of the village. Once you reach there fire a signal into the sky. Wait there until a well enough group has met you. The rest is up to you"[/b], Grathan saluted Evelyn with his fist to his heart before signalling for the other Knight-Commanders to follow. Evelyn stood alone in the Hall of The Conclave. The echoes of the thundering battle flowed through the large chamber, thumping like an ancient heart. It was not so much so that she did not know what to do, but the reality of what had just transpired is what scared her the most. In one night the entire leadership of The Order had been eliminated and she was left to lead what was left. The magnitude of such an event and she, along with all who would survive this, was at be epicenter of it all. The sudden shattering of the chamber's windows snapped Evelyn back to reality. Her commander's last order repeated over in her head: Escape the forest, rally a small group of survivors, and inform The Order. With that in mind Evelyn sprinted out of the hall and through the keep to the lower battlements, the fighting had reached the main gate which she could see from her point of view. It would not be long before the enemy breached the portcullis, from there they'd overrun the keep. The gate offered no means of escape and the only other option was going over the wall. From this height however if she didn't die a broken leg was probably the best she could hope for. Evelyn climbed over the wall and hung from its edge before dropping to the ground below. Unfortunately from where she had dropped there were some rocks and so instead of landing on flat ground Evelyn hit the rocks causing her to break her ankle. The pain was as bad as one would expect but Evelyn refused to yell out for fear of alerting any enemies nearby. Her healing magic could heal this but it would take all her focus which at the moment was spent on carefully examining her surroundings. Placing her hand on her ankle in the joint space of her armor Evelyn focused all of her magicka reserves into her healing aura. Within a few moments her ankle had healed to where it only hurt as bad as a sore muscle. Of course while she had done this a cultist and her conjured demon had approached and were now casting fire spells at the Knight-Captain. Evelyn rolled out of the way before getting to her feet, her foot was still sore but she ignored it as she unsheated her sword and charged towards her attackers. The demon could be eliminated quickly with a shock cage which Evelyn casted immediately upon entering melee range of the cultist. While the demon was temporarily subdued Evelyn focused on killing the cultist, if she died the demon would be banished. This one was not like the others, unlike those before so simply ran madly with their knives stabbing the air, this one waited for Evelyn to strike before dodging or deflecting her blows. Evelyn could sense her spell on the demon was about to fade and so as she came in once more to strike Evelyn charged at full speed changing her weapons stance to confuse the cultist as to where she'd strike. It was not until she was practically on top of her did Evelyn change her stance from a two handed upward slash to a one handed downward stab. The cultist adjusted to this but completely ignored Evelyn's free had which charged up a lightening bolt, before anything could be done the spell had scorched its way through the skull of the cultist, leaving a smoking pile of gore in the grass. Evelyn did not ven give herself time to breath, she bolted towards the other end of the village killing as many cultists as she could identify. Upon reaching the eastern end of the village Evelyn shot three massive blasts of lightening into the sky. Hopefully someone saw that as she could not do such a thing again, her magicka reserves at this point were completely depleted.