[center][img]https://www.sneakandshow.com/images/article_lg/aleksi-briclot.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/48f3/f/2011/208/a/b/divider_by_canzeda-d41w92p.png[/img] N A M E / A L I A S [color=steelblue][i]Erebus Thane = The Dragon-Blooded = The Uncrowned[/i][/color] M Y T H O L O G Y [color=steelblue][i]Come, sit down, and drink with me, as I tell the tale of a king with no crown, a lord with no titles, a man with a simple, yet insane, seemingly-impossible wish. Let me tell you the tale of Erebus Thane, the man who became a dragon. Long ago, when this country was still young, a tribe of travelers and vagabonds was set upon by bandits. But when all seemed lost, and the brigands' victory seemed assured, they were turned back by a young boy. He carried no weapons, not even a simple belt knife. But his teeth grew into fangs, and his fingers sharpened to claws. He slew many of those who threatened his people, and drove off the rest. And so he was left to contemplate the wonder of what had just occurred. Some time later, his parents took him aside, to explain his bizarre transformation. According to them, their bloodline had been touched by that of dragons many years ago. Perhaps one of the great beasts had come to them in the form of a man. Perhaps some ritual tainted their line with its essence. Whatever the cause, Erebus had somehow manifested the gifts hidden in their blood, an event that had not been seen in many a year. Erebus was ecstatic- a great power boiled within him, waiting to be unleashed. And so, when he came of age, he set off on his own, to study his unique gift, and enhance it, in order to accomplish his truest, most sincere wish- for if a dragon could take the shape of a man, should not the opposite be true? Whatever the case, whatever means he accomplished them by, it is clear that he succeeded in his goals- tales across Ansus tell of a man who, with naught but a gesture, could shape parts of his body into that of a dragon. Great wings sprung from his back, the legends say, and scales harder than steel grew across his limbs. No blade could pierce him, no arrow could slay him, as he rained down lightning upon those who stood in his path. He was a wandering warrior, travelling where he saw fit according to his whims. He was a conqueror, who leveled mountains and crushed cities. He was a hero, who slew far worse monsters than he. He was a god, deigning to alight upon the base earth. Many tales exist, none quite agreeing with the other about who the Dragon-Blooded truly was. Whatever the tale, however, one thing is agreed upon by all- wherever Erebus Thane walked, it was his dominion; the Uncrowned King of all the world. And then, suddenly, strangely, his legend ends. The Uncrowned walked across the horizon, never to be seen again. Where he went, what end he met, if any, remains a mystery...[/i][/color] A P P E A R A N C E [color=steelblue][i]Were it not for his unkempt nature, one might find Erebus appealing, handsome even. Strong, sharp features, as a broadsword, one might say. Taller than any mortal man, with a physique to match. Twisted, tangled black hair and beard adorn his head, with eyes that glow unnaturally, like a bolt from the heavens has been caught and frozen in his eyes. He dresses simply, in mere leathers and furs- he has no need for regalia. His body is forever altered by the means by which he acquired his gifts. His hands and feet are scaled and tipped with vicious claws. A strong tail winds its way from the base of his spine. When angered, his teeth grow long and sharp, horns start to grow from his head, and sparks of lightning dance across his skin and scales.[/i][/color] A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T [color=steelblue][i]The Uncrowned carries no blade- his teeth and claws will suffice. He wears no armor- his skin and scales match or transcend mundane iron and steel. He carries no bow- his very breath smites with light and lightning. He has no retainers- his brothers in arms and in the skies are court enough for one such as him. He has no throne. Only the world whose breadth he walks.[/i][/color] A G E O F L E G E N D [color=steelblue][i]Nigh on five thousand winters have passed away since the Uncrowned last walked his dominion...[/i][/color] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/48f3/f/2011/208/a/b/divider_by_canzeda-d41w92p.png[/img][/center]