[center][hider=Satoru Yamada] [CENTER][img]https://i.gyazo.com/d15f4e3423c75fa76961056be1287c75.png[/img] [i]"Tellin' me that I'm going to fail won't work. I do what I do because it's what...she'd want, and that's that. I don't give a shit about what you say."[/i] [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Satoru Yamada [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] The Delinquent, Bastard Child, others. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age and date of birth:[/b] 15, October, 27th. [b]Age Appearance:[/b] He appears his actual age. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Pansexual [b]Parents:[/b] Megumi Yamada, father unknown. [b]Height and build:[/b] Satoru stands at the average height for his age, give or take an inch. 5'8", and still with much room to grow, the young shinobi possesses the build that you would expect in a hard-working ninja. Lean, yet sinewy and tough, aiming for speed, dexterity, and an undercurrent of strength, which you would see in a combat-specialized shinobi. [b]Weight:[/b] 129lbs. [b]Favorite weather and season:[/b] He enjoys rainy days, believe it or not. As far as the season goes, he enjoys fall, when the cherry blossoms float through the air. Don't tell anyone, though. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] [b]Village:[/b] Konohagakure, born and raised. [b]Organization:[/b] Shinobi Forces, former allegiance with smaller street gangs. [b]Clan/Bloodline:[/b] The Yamada Clan - A family lineage that formerly had a page in the history books of Shinobi Warfare as dependable and powerful warriors, but has long since faded away into a memory, with only a last couple of stragglers still holding the name. The clan itself has a Kekkei Genkai that does not show itself much, as rare as it is. Every few generations, it seems to show up in a child, but due to the lack of clan members in the world, the ability was thought to have died off a long time ago. It just so happens, that the ability appeared within the supposed last Yamada child;; Satoru. [b]Rank:[/b] Genin [b]Chakra Nature:[/b] Fire, Wind [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/vmspdd.png][/IMG] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Full Outfit] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/0a47c8e9d41b4339be1d1f9296dd2db5.png[/img] [/hider] [IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png][/IMG] [b]Personality:[/b] There's been a few different words to describe Satoru. Hard-headed, stubborn, cold, violent, instinctive, rebellious, a delinquent, etcetera etcetera. However, these words, while each holding some merit, is just that;; words. They do not show who Satoru truly is. On the outside, the young boy does come off as tough, independent, and rather cold. He gives off this unapproachable image and aura so that no one becomes close to him - if no one gets close, then there's not a chance of him losing them...he really does not want to lose someone close again. Eyebrows usually narrowed, dark eyes determined and mouth tilted into a frown, Satoru is the type of guy that will carry the weight of all of his problems on his shoulders, while keeping even more of those problems tucked away inside. He hates the idea of showing any of his 'weaker' feelings with anyone other than himself, and because of this, the boy certainly isn't as emotionally expressive as a young boy his age should be. He doesn't think about girls, and clothes, and playing...just training, surviving, eating, and the occasional resting - which he doesn't get much of, to be fair. He takes absolutely no shit from anyone, and will not budge on a subject if his mind is set in stone. He relies on his gut instinct, and is as stubborn as a mule - sure, he'll look at things from different perspectives, as his life has taught him to look underneath the underneath, so to speak, but if he feels like it's necessary, he will do things his own way. As callused as he is, however, Satoru does have a nice side to him. Underneath his tough exterior is a kind heart, despite the heart being a bit jaded. He loves the quiet pattern of rain droplets, cherry blossom leaves floating through the air, and would not harm a little child, especially if that child is an orphan, like him. It takes a bit to get his loyalty and trust, but once you're in that small list of people, don't ever forget that Satoru will protect you until the bitter end, despite attempting to maintain a detached image. The boy has an unshakeable will and determination, that's for damn sure. Some little facts;; He is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, and likes high-adrenaline action and events. He also has a bit of a dry/sarcastic humor to him, and isn't above small pranks if he feels that it is necessary. Usually, though, he 'has better things to do', which means that he's either gonna go tear up some training grounds, eat a lot, or pass out somewhere. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] [b]History:[/b] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png][/IMG] [u][b]Weapons/Items[/b][/u] [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] Standard Shinobi Kit [b]Description:[/b] A pack of assorted shuriken and a pack of assorted kunai, each placed on one leg of the shinobi. It is the standard kit that most ninja utilize due to the efficiency and simplicity. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/img][/center] [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] Weights [b]Description:[/b] Compact, easily-hidden black straps that increases in weight whenever chakra is applied to a small seal on it's material. They are located on Satoru's torso, arms, and legs, hidden beneath clothing and his shinobi sandals. Having stolen these items from a General Goods store a while back, Satoru has long since been applying chakra once his body adjust to the increasing weight. It's very good training, and a surprise whenever he takes the weight off - which hasn't happened yet, but will most-likely happen soon. [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/15qxeus.png][/IMG] [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] A young man with limitless potential and determination, hard-work was obviously something that Satoru has had to utilize, ever since he was a little child. As it was, he has found out that there was some things that he was naturally good at, although hard-work has made these skills even better, and said skills will continue to grow as he venture further into his career as a shinobi. A quickly evolving user of taijutsu and ninjutsu, these are obviously Satoru's main abilities. He has no strict, formal, uptight taijutsu form, like the Hyuuga or Uchiha, but this is all the better, as it has allowed him to form his own, unique style that centers around one thing, and one thing only - to Defeat. Razor-sharp reflexes and instincts paired with strength, agility, and speed, Satoru utilizes on the spot dodges, counters, and fast, yet powerful punches, kicks, sweeps, elbows, and even his knees to completely defeat and take out his opponent. Due to the style's lack of rigidity, he can utilize it to focus on one enemy, or against multiple opponents. As for his evolving ninjutsu abilities, Satoru is also making fast progress in this field. His chakra pool is very large for his age, although not to an impossible-to-control degree, meaning that he has a lot of chakra to use, although not for things such as genjutsu and other subtle ninja arts - which will be explained later. Due to this, and his agility, Satoru can quickly and efficiently chain together heavy-hitting, fast ninjutsu techniques when not fighting his opponents hand-to-hand with his taijutsu. Having already discovered his chakra natures after stealing some chakra paper from the Shinboi Goods store, Satoru has already began learning different Fire and Wind techniques to accompany his repertoire. Finally, like all good ninja, he has good eye-sight, which goes well with his hand-to-eye coordination. His accuracy and precision is on point with thrown weaponry, and he can see himself around melee weaponry, despite having no actual training in utilizing a sword. He has been training in stealth and quietness since he was a child, sneaking around Konoha to steal food for his mom and himself. Not to mention the academy's teaching. His time in the streets and the..darker side of Konoha has gave him a pretty solid stomach. Weaknesses-wise, Satoru's chakra pool gets him into trouble with a few other ninja techniques. Genjutsu is definitely a no-go for the young shinobi, as he simply does not have the articulate control to formulate such fragile illusions and weave them over an opponent's eyes, especially while adrenaline and blood is pumping through his veins. This is also how medical jutsu is with him. He's simply not good with it, and will most-likely hurt someone with medical jutsu before he even alleviates them of a hang-over. As well as these two weaknesses, Satoru isn't very good at handling commands and working with others. Having been a loner for quite a long time, he's used to relying on himself, which can easily get him in over his head. He just isn't used to having others to fall back on, which can probably get him into some trouble. He's also incredibly stubborn and hard-headed, despite refuting these claims vehemently, but that this has been said in the Personality. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] [b]Special Traits:[/b] As a result of his Kekkai Genkai, Satoru was naturally born with a chakra pool higher than the usual average for most shinobi. Because of this, it requires more chakra control training for him to utilize smaller and more subtle techniques - while also giving him more chakra to utilize. This makes it a bit of a double-edged sword. Similarly, Satoru's reflexes/instincts are naturally high, relatable to the Inuzuka's - perhaps his clan is related to theirs, far, far down the line? Regardless, it comes in handy, especially compared to his high pain tolerance - which may have something to do with his past. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] [b]Kekkei Genkai:[/b] To be revealed. Know that it has something to do with purple chakra that ranges from dark to light-colored. [b]Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai:[/b] To be revealed. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] [u][b]Jutsu[/b][/u] [b]Canon Jutsu:[/b] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Replacement_Technique]Kawarimi no Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Transformation_Technique]Henge no Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_Technique]Bunshin no Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Phoenix_Sage_Fire_Technique]Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Great_Breakthrough]Fūton: Daitoppa[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Flicker_Technique]Shunshin no Jutsu[/url] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] [u][b]Custom Jutsu[/b][/u] [hider=Techniques] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Taigā no Fukushū [Tiger's Revenge/Vengeance] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Taijutsu [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] Close [b]Nature Type:[/b] N/A. Uses Shunshin on the first move. [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] A barrage of chakra-induced attacks, all used at very high speeds. The combo is direct and blunt;; A Shunshin to the back of the enemy, roundhouse kick to the skull, whip off bandages to wrap around their body, twist on your heels, throw them into the air and with a sharp tug on the bandages and a jump, yank yourself towards them while they're in the air, and then a fast, blurring barrage of punches and kicks before Satoru yells out the name of the technique and sharply axe-kicks the target into the ground, often forming a crater. As the opponent blasts towards the ground from the last kick, the bandages unwraps themselves from the body, and twirls back around Satoru's forearms. Weights may be taken off before-hand for added speed. [b]Weakness:[/b] The taijutsu barrage depends on the opponent being dazed/stunned/shocked by the Shunshin's surprise appearance, and then the heavy, mind-blowing hits from a surprisingly strong Satoru. If you can recover fast enough, there's a strict possibility of you countering his next move, or, if you recover fast enough, simply cutting the bandages - if you can reach your kunai from being wrapped with bandages.. ==================== [b]Name of Technique:[/b] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Range:[/b] [b]Nature Type:[/b] [b]Handseals:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Weakness:[/b] [/hider] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] [u][b]Summons[/b][/u] Tigers of the Forbidden Jungle contract will be signed later on. [b]Name:[/b] Byakko [b]Species:[/b] Tiger [b]Age/Gender:[/b] Young/Male [b]Size:[/b] Stands around chest-height of Satoru. [b]Unique Traits:[/b] It's pure white, with black, claw-like stripes. [hider=Byakko's Details] [b]Jutsu:[/b] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Range:[/b] [b]Nature Type:[/b] [b]Handseals:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Weakness:[/b] [b]History/Personality:[/b] [/hider] [/CENTER][/hider][/center] [center][hider=Relationships] [b]Mao no Kagami[/b] "Is this it? I gotta talk about some bored old man? He's good, but even I can't be that expressionless. Wait...where'd he get that bow from? Don't shoot. Don't fuc-" [i]*TWANG*[/i] [b]Shingetsu Hozuki[/b] "I ain't got much to say. We don't speak in class, and she seems too uptight. She might have something to prove, but as long as she don't get in my way, I don't care. She's a pretty good ninja, but she needs to work on physical combat. Swinging around those swords'll get her killed." [b]Satoru Yamada[/b] [i]*Satoru's lips form into a small smirk, dark eyes narrowing*[/i] "Badass in training, of course." [b]Nagisa Hana[/b] "She's a good jounin, from what I've seen, and is pretty popular. The smoking can go, though. That shit messes with the lungs." [b]Tao Mei[/b] "Oh, that little guy. Eh, he's okay, I guess. Too loud and proud, but I don't see him all that much, so it doesn't matter. I might need to speak to him a bit about fire techniques - I heard he's pretty good with 'em." [b]Ozuko Matabi[/b] "Decent shinobi, likes to wave around a ninjato, and knows gravity. Pretty good, I guess, but there's something about him that irks me. Don't know what. Might be his attitude. Ozuko, if you're hearin' this," [i]*Satoru glares at the camera, leaning forward*[/i] "I don't give a shit about your clan." [b]Asuka Koizumi[/b] "She's a good shinobi, and a decent teammate. Now, you wasted enough of my time. I was sleeping. Get the Hell out." [i]*Large echo of a door being slammed*[/i] [/hider][/center]