[center] [img]http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/Kissai.full.1606432.jpg[/img] [h3][color=00aeef]NOEBELLA SIRAN[/color][/h3] 9 years old 10/12/1196 Noebella is the half wizard, half demon child of Noem Siran and the demon Anhura. She was named by Hades, who suggested the name to Noem, just to taunt him with the reminder that they killed his first love Belladonna and that if Noem should ever forget his loyalty, Noebella would end up just like her namesake. Only her father is aware of this threat, so Noebella thinks she was named by Hades because her father is good friends with him. She is unaware of her father's past and only believes he has ever worked at Candiland as an Eclair. She likes to monopolize all of her father and brother's attention when she is at home, and she hates it when her sister gets something she doesn't. She often gets in arguments with Noesferatu and is extremely competetive with her, and won't hesitate to start a physical fight to get her way. She adores her father and brother but is irrationally antagonistic towards her sister and mother because they're also demons and female; Noebella wants to be better than they are plus she doesn't like that her father and Noel also gives them attention. Her favorite color is pink because thats her hair color and her entire room is decorated in pink items and she gets annoyed if she gets a gift that does not have pink on it. She is adamant about claiming her love for the color pink because secretly, she envies Noesferatu for having pretty blue hair similar to their father. Noebella would rather have the same hair color as her beloved father than have the pink hair she inherited from their mother because she doesn't want Noesferatu to have more in common with him than she does. She is friends with Rubezal Alexius, even though Noebella believes she is better than him since she is older and a girl, and girls are obviously greater than dumb boys. She claims he should be honored to be her friend since boys are "gross and have cooties" so he should be grateful she even graces him with her prescence, but she does genuinely like him and will fight anyone who upsets her only friend. Her favorite activity is to find some way to torment Noesferatu and Rubezal is usually the one she goes to for help in annoying her. She also hangs out with her little cousin Ginevra Haruzuiha but unlike with Rubezal, Noebella bosses her around and likes bragging about herself to Ginevra. Noebella is extremely jealous of Noesferatu for being older, stronger, and prettier than her so she is thrilled to be that towards Ginevra. But since Ginevra is younger than her, and not a threat to her ego, Noebella never starts fights with her cousin and would actually feel guilty hurting the shy girl. Ginevra constantly hides behind Noebella when she feels nervous and tends to cling to her, which makes Noebella feel needed so she doesn't mind how attached Ginevra is. [hider=relationships] Father: Noem Adonis Siran Mother: Anhura Sister: Noesferatu Siran Half-Brother: Noel Siran Aunt: Nidria Uncle: Gino Haruzuiha Cousin: Ginevra Haruzuiha Friend: Rubezal Alexius [/hider] [/center]