[center][b][u]Hikari[/u][/b][/center] That raised a lot more question. Protect him? Protect him from what? What the hell is a Sekirei? For that matter, what was an Ashikabi? Why did she think that he was one of these...Ashikabi? She had to be crazy. There was nothing special about him. Nothing that would make some random woman with a rifle want to protect him. However, there was a much more pressing and horrifying question that he had in light of all this. "M-My home? Wh-wh-why?" he stammered out. "I can't. I don't need protecting. It's fine. I think you have the wrong guy." His eyes were wide now, fearful. He didn't like this situation. It was hard enough to talk to her. How was he supposed to deal with her being around his house? "Ah...eh...I'm sorry you wasted your time, ma'am." He bowed awkwardly, starting to move around her to continue on his way home. [center]~ ~ ~[/center] [center][b][u]#11 - Houkatori[/u][/b][/center] Unfortunately for the Sekirei at Yuki's side, she could not resign to exhaustion as easily. Sure, she was tired, but she had too many concerns to just rest. Yuki was her responsibility now. After hearing of her assignment out in this distant part of Japan, she had insisted on coming along. The government had been hesitant, but she was...persuasive. There was no way she was letting her one friend walk into a trap by those people. She would die before she let Yuki come to harm. Crossing her arms, Houka leaned back in her seat, thinking of how they met. In a lone laboratory, the raven haired woman going through any and all experiments that those lab coat wearing pricks wanted to put her through. She was a toy to see how far she could be pushed. The only one who came to her aid was...Yuki. She had brought her lunch every day she could find the time to, easing her worries over the experiments. She gave her a reason to keep going with this treatment. Though, of course, she knew Yuki was loyal to the government, Houka couldn't find it in her to trust them. So, when this mission was offered, she insisted to be allowed to go as her Sekirei. This brought them to their current predicament, the taxi moving along the roads towards the apartment complex that was meant to house the two for now.