[center][h3]Drosil, South-western Region of Barcea[/h3][/center] "Oh, guess I'm not as bad as I thought," Drosil said in response to Cyril's comment, not catching his hesitation, but a series of clacks from his mouth brought a look of confusion to his face. "What do you mean he's just being polish, why hello there." Drosil was interrupted from his thought as he saw a tall woman step up to his mount, slowly reaching out to pet Sir Mauls. Normally Drosil would've warned a person of the proper procedure for petting Sir Mauls, but he found himself enchanted by the person, transfixed by beauty. So he simply stared, mouth opening, than closing, than opening again as he tried to think of something to say, only to find himself at a rare loss for words. Sir Mauls, thankfully, didn't react violently to the girl's approach, actually enjoying the action as he turned to face her, his antenna feeling her in a similar manner to what he did to the others, but it seemed to do so for a bit longer before pulling it's feelers back in an almost questioning manner. A couple clacks and clicks brought Drosil out of his enchantment for a moment, but then his interest was skyrocketed again from what Sir Maul's had told him. "Different, what do you means she feels different?. . . You can't place it?!?!, that's rather unspecific Sir Mauls, and you know I dislike not having specifics . . . That isn't my problem?!?! WHat's the point of having super receptive antenna if they can't give you an accurate read on things like this . . . . . . OH, ha ha, very funny Sir Mauls, but slapping me in the face isn't a valid point for ha-*SLAP*-AGHHHH, GOD FUCKING DAMMMIT!!!!! WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT YOU OVER GROWN MILLIPEDE!?!?!" Sir Mauls's emitted another series of clicks and what not that sounded suspiciously like laughter at his master's expense, only to suddenly cease as it;s antenna flicked through the air, a sombre series of clicks translating it's finding to Drosil, who had been holding his stinging cheek in pain. At first, he didn't hear what his mount was saying, but as it suddenly began to sink in, an instant change would come over the mage, the shining brilliance would dull as unidentifiable emotion swept through him. He suddenly barked at Sir Mauls in Underdeep, who responded again. Drosil's hands curled into fists as he the emotion on his face suddenly turned into righteous fury. Magical energy started to radiate off him, so much so that it was visible to the naked eye in a strange aura of luminous silver. He barked a command to Sir Mauls, who bowed his head before bringing back up, it's eyes glowing with a sudden intensity as it charged forward at a much faster speed than before, it's claws tearing through the dirt at a ferocious pace, leaving a dust cloud behind him as he hurried off in the direction of the village. As he rushed forward, he unhooked his staff, holding it out behind him and paying no mind to how it reacted to emotions, the prismatic crystal darkening into a solid black with veins of red pulsating through it, the orb being held within a floating halo spikes at the top that radiated with a foul blackness. After sometime, he found himself at the ruins of the town, and his rage only intensified as he saw the devastation, knowing that looking for survivors was a hopeless endeavor, but not daring to give up that hope. He got off Sir Mauls, who was looking around ready to tear into the first opponent they came across while his master looked through the carnage, trying to find some sliver of life. But there was nothing, nothing but needless death and carnage that only further fueled his rage. He needed an outlet, something he could take this out on. And then he saw Joy, sitting there by herself, all alone amidst the carnage. Under normal circumstances, he would've gone over to ask her what was wrong, or if she needed something, but in his rage-tinted vision, she was immediately the most suspicious thing here. He began to approach, Sir Mauls clattering sinisterly behind him as he whispered a spell in the language of magic. The orb took on a bright red coloration with a swirling silver layer wrapped over it before a barrage of silver fireballs flew out of the top, slamming down with a crash between Joy and the exit, surely catching her attention if he hadn't done so already. The metallic flames would soon spread across the area of the gate, forming into several humanoid figures the silver concentrating into their eyes as they stared at the woman. These were Sentry fire elementals, a relatively weak summons that could barely move from their positions and generally went down in one of two hits from a regular weapon, but they not only looked much more intimidating then they actually wore, but against the unprotected, their flames could do some serious damage to anyone who tried to get past them. THis thus cut off her most possible escape route from Drosil, as trying to flee into the town was a very bad idea. Sir Mauls could easily run her down, and then she'd be at the mercy of a Deathcrawler in his hunting mode, and these creatures were not known for being gentle in their attacks. As Drosil approached, he'd look very intimidating, as not only was his magical energy whipping around him wildly like a flame, but his eyes were also literally glowing an intense white color, and while they iris and pupil where not visible, it wasn't hard to guess who was the focus of his attention. He pointed the staff at her form, his anger clearly being heard in his voice as he addressed the woman. "Who did this, and why are you here? Lie to me, and Sir Mauls will be having your head as a snack, as your internal organs, limbs, and whatever else might be in your useless carcass." Sir Mauls clacked his mandibles in agreement, looking down at the women from where it stood on it's back legs, it is glinting dangerously in the sunlight, as did the numerous claws the lined his body. [@Atrophy] [@The DarkLight Project] [@sumi desu]