[center][h2]You ever make a grave mistake, and only realize hours into the mistake that you've made it?[/h2] [/center] I work in the morning at 9. I got home at around midnight. I have insomnia, so I can't get to sleep for at least two to three hours. I wake up at random times, because I have no internal clock. I would need to wake up at seven, so I could take a shower, get dressed, so on and so forth. Just so I could catch the 8:30 bus to work. Which means that I would probably be falling asleep right about now, and waking up at seven. Four hours of sleep, to work for a few hours and then come home. Not enough sleep. Y'know? So, in all of my infinite wisdom, I decided that I wasn't going to sleep. Instead, I would pound energy drinks and stay awake until after my shift. I realized about ten minutes ago that's a stupid idea. But now it's 3:30-ish, and I'm totally fucked. Gonna have a real [b]bad[/b] [i][b]day.[/b][/i]