[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87243-the-mightiest-reborn/ooc]The Mightiest Reborn[/url] [hider=Freya] [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w36/Sarah_Marie_Barr/77e51012-c91d-4abe-a248-b3dd7fd5208c_zpssaie9q8i.jpg[/img][/center] [color=#1E90FF] [b]God Name:[/b] Freya or Freija, Frejya, Freyia, Fröja, Frøya, Frøjya, Freia, Freja, Frua and Freiya. [b]Mortal Name:[/b] Sophia [b]Origin/God of:[/b] Norse - Lady/Goddess associated with love, sexuality, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death [b]Apperance:[/b] A strawberry blonde with stunning blue eyes and a bodacious curvy bodice. [b]God history:[/b] [url=http://www.goddessgift.com/goddess-myths/goddess-freya.htm]Click Here[/url] or [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freyja]Here[/url] and [url=http://norse-mythology.org/gods-and-creatures/the-vanir-gods-and-goddesses/freya/]Here[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Freya is famous for her fondness of love, fertility, beauty, and fine material possessions – and, because of these predilections, she’s considered to be a “party girl”. She’s certainly a passionate seeker after pleasures and thrills of all kinds. Therefore, she is extremely outgoing and charismatic and knows how to throw a party. She is also a very sweet and generous woman in all aspects, whether it be sharing her spectacular body with sensual love, or her Seidr abilities. More on that in the Other category. Her sensual side consists of her abundant appreciation for high-class materials, all kinds of music(especially the romantic kind), and floral arrangements. She wears modern day formal gowns that exhibit her amazing body only because walking around naked is not socially acceptable. She loves cats, and owns [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/0d/30/4d0d30cbfd5c1d9b2dfdd7d3910667ef.jpg]two[/url] of them. Eventually with the development of her powers, these particular cats will be able to shape shift into modern day warrior cats, with a blue hue to pull her fabled chariot over a battlefield full of slain warriors. Concerning her warrior Valkyrie side, she is the goddess of war and death as well making her extremely strong-willed and opinionated. Her social status is highly ambiguous – she is and will be by turns exalted, feared, longed for, propitiated, celebrated, and scorned throughout her adventures of this roleplay. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Brisling/Brísingamen - a magical necklace reputedly made of amber and rubies which makes her irresistible to men [b]Relationships/friendships:[/b] None as of now but if any Norse gods/goddesses join up, we are automatically going to hit it off. [b]Other:[/b] Freya possesses [url=http://www.northernpaganism.org/assets/images/freya/Freya5.jpg]falcon plumes[/url] that allow their bearer to shift her shape into that of a falcon. Warning this picture contains nudity. That being said, if Freya could walk around naked all the time and be socially accepted, she would. Freya is the archetype of the völva, a professional practitioner of seidr, the most organized form of Norse magic. It was she who first brought this art to the gods, and, by extension, to humans as well. Given her expertise in controlling and manipulating the desires, health, and prosperity of others, she’s a being whose knowledge and power are almost without equal. [/color] [/hider]