RP Development - WIP - Please don't steal this idea. [hider] You've have stumbled across Bleeding Hooves, the largest Juvenile Correctional Facility and Horse Rescue in the United States. This facility sits on three hundred and fifty rolling acres, nestled in the 'sticks' of Wyoming. This place can house about four hundred horses, and two hundred and fifty juveniles. There are several large barns with multiple turn out pastures. We have several round pens for one on one training and a large indoor riding arena. Bleeding Hooves' goals are to show the juveniles respect and try to get it through there heads what they've done wrong, and to help gain trust of the abused, mistreated horses that come here. There's five large barns and a pasture that has at least ten acres. There are many rings and arena as well as four trails to ride..and train. And there's nothing more stronger is a bond between a horse and it's owner. We strive to create a unique environment where individuals can have the freedom to develop knowledge, trust, hope, and determination through the bond of horse and rider. Work in Progress Ranch http://www.equestrianhotels.com/himg/50a.jpg Horse Pasture http://mwranches.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/wyoming.jpg Inside of Barn http://oneeyeland.com/photo4/portraits/one_eyeland_horse_barn_interior_by_eric_prine_108715.jpg Indoor Arena http://d66164.i49.quadrahosting.com.au/images/ARENA.2.JPG Cabin http://discoverwearsvalley.com/_accom/wltwimou.jpg Indoor pool http://1x2fx81ukj80cz7043sc901i.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Ultimate-Seclusion-Alpine-Mountain.jpeg Bunk Beds http://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Bunk-beds-with-a-rustic-cabin-style.jpg [/hider]