[center][h1][i]Sonomachi City - Dangeki Cosplay Café[/i][/h1][/center] [hr] [i]Lucille left as the Chasers began to scatter, though this was but a momentary reprieve, certainly their paths would cross again.[/i] [hr] [center][h2][i]Chikage[/i][/h2][/center] "Well, I guess it's about time for me to leave as well Shiina-chan." Chikage said as she porpped herself up from the stool that she was sitting, before turning to Suki and saying "But you can't deny that you like it, can you? Anyway, I brought you here so that you could get some jobs. I don't think that you can live on nothing but instant ramen and tap water for too long." Chikage then gave a hearthy pat on Suki's back as she said to everyone still present "By the way, feel free to treat Suki as if she was I. If there's anything you wanna do with her, please don't hesitate." Following that Chikage finally walked away from the café, innocently kicking her geta against the sidewalk, while reciting yet another improptu haiku. [center][i] "Autumn night blowing wind The umbrella is gone." [/i][/center] Over the bar on the place where Chikage previously was, an envelope with the following message "Don't worry about the repair costs, Shiina-chan. Tell the others that tonight is on my tab, please." rested over a stack of gold coins dating back to the Sengoku period. [@TheWindel][@Kimiyosis] [hr] [center][h2][i]Eos[/i][/h2][/center] Eos stared daggers at Zane as soon as the self-entitled scientist wento to check on The Rook without even thanking her for the free treat. Though, Eos knew better than let her frustration get the best of her and turned away from him with a scoff, before going into the kitchen to retrieve Usagi's order. "Here it's ojou-sama." Eos said as she handed the jelly-like dessert to the lupine looking girl. Actually, Eos had never met with Usagi before, but she was aware of the shinigami's identity, through comments that she heard from other customers of the café and was quite intrigued by the prospect of a death god that doesn't like to kill. However, she was sure that a better opportunity to talk with Usagi would come in the future and simply bowed and said "Thank you for your patronage, ojou-sama. If you want to take part in any missions, please talk about it with either Onee-sama or I" before leaving. As Eos was going back to Shiina's side, Eiko came and asked her if she was willing to take part in a mission. Eos shook her head before looking at her colleague's eyes "I'm sorry, but I have to stay with Onee-sama and help with the repairs," she pointed to the broken storefront "maybe next time." Despite saying that, it was actually quite obvious that Eos refused Eiko's just because she pretty much never went on missions with anyone but Shiina. It was more evident as the angelic android went into the kitchen again and brought a cup of a faintly red, steaming liquid and offered it to Shiina while saying "Please, rest for a bit, Onee-sama. I'll handle everything while you recover from your wounds." [@Lmpkio][@Spriggs27][@Crimson Raven] [hr] [center][h2][i]Reiko[/i][/h2][/center] "I'll handle the Efreet. You should go and join one of the others in a mission." Reiko said to Yuudai just as Lucille exited the café. "While I do appreciate the attention that you give me, Yuu, you need to socialize more. What will you do if others start thinking that you are nothing but a delinquent that knows nothing but how to cause trouble?" Reiko patted Yuudai shoulder one last time before moving out of their table. A moment later and she was in front of Star "Your name is Star, right? I have a few things that I need to ask you, could you please spare a few moments? Also, don't worry about warming me. I'm pretty comfortable as I'm now." Reiko said as she adjusted her scarf and looked Star in his eyes, waiting for the mothman's answer. [@McFazzer][@Kitsune] [hr] [center][h1][i]Sonomachi City - Outskirts[/i][/h1][/center] [center][h2][i]Mission: Return to Ashes[/i][/h2][/center] Just as Kazuki and Rui-ling approached the dilapidated remains of what was once Sonomachi City's port, they could finally get a sight at the ghostly silhoutte of a battleship hovering ominously over the scenery. The helicopter that Rui-ling called for, laid not further away from in, though it was nothing but a pile of burning scrap metal by the time they arrived, and the holes in its flimsy carcass made it clear that the flying machine had been downed by the the ship's anti-air fire. However, with further observation, they would notice that the ship was actually docked to the rusted cranes that overhung the port's drydock, remembering an old zeppelin port in all but the fact that the ship over there was in fact a forty thousand tons steel monstrosity, armed with enough fire power to lay waste to the city's downtown even from this range. On the corroded armor plates the vessel's name coould still be read and it was no one other than the Kongou, one of the most active ships during the war years. What was it that kept a relic from a past long since gone still active on this world? Better, how did it get here since it was supposed to be resting on a watery grave for the past six decades? No matter what were the answers to those questions, the fact remained that the Chaser double needed to do something about it before whatever force that spurred the ship back into the world of the living decided that it was time to follow through with their plans... The true question is, will they be able to? [@j8cob][@Ashifili]