[quote=@Undine] Like... Does anyone have fun plans for the weekend? I'm on fall break, so I'm currently at home instead of at college! I'm super excited to be back and see my friends and family. And to have ACTUAL GOOD FOOD. You see, I'm Japanese so we always had Japanese food at home. Now at my college, we have crappy American dining hall food so it's been a huge adjustment for me. It's really impossible to be a healthy eater at college... [/quote] How connected are you to your Japanese roots? (: (Does that come off as rude? DX I never know how to ask this right) My Korean friend, though being born and living most of her life in the US, is extremely connected to her Korean roots since her grandma doesn't speak English and a lot of her cousins/aunts/uncles are in Korea. While one of my old Filipino friends was hardly connected to her Filipino roots since only her mom was Filipino and she never visited. I'm white af and American, which sucks because I wish I could somehow connect to a more immersive culture. I'm hoping to study abroad to one of my ancestral countries, such as Poland, or maybe Germany since I lived there for awhile. (: For the weekend, I'm going to see my friend in a play and watch Family Guy XD I had fall break last week/end.