[b]BANG![/b] In a fluid motion he pivoted on his right foot, his arm hooking one of the guards around his neck. He yanked the guard in front of him as a shield, and soon after the rounds impacted causing a spray of blood from the man. His comrades fell shortly after. He dropped the meat shield, and made a mad dash for cover. The drop ship immediately departed leaving the fallen. He dropped and slid for the cover of rubble. It wasn’t enough for his whole body, so he laid in prone. He began to lay down cover fire so that his new comrades can grab some shelter. With each squeeze of the trigger his rifle answered with a bark. His keen eyes located the man in charge, laying in a pool of his own blood his comrade had left him behind. He was more than disgusted with the beast. Something rash was formulating in his mind, he felt the itch in his body. He would leave the body of the commander in the center of the field. The rock exploded in front of him as a hail of bullets landed around him bringing him back to reality. Chips pinging off his armor, he was well aware that he was terribly exposed. He calmed his breathing and waited for an opportunity. An old man walked into the oncoming men their attention turning towards him. His course of action became clear. He lept from his cover and moved forwards, he unleashed a hail of bullets, as he flanked right of the men. He worked with the brim hatted man, catching them in a crossfire, his battle rifle rang true and he watched several of the men crumple and fall. It was sickening to think his own people would act as The Duchy riff raff would. He dropped his magazine, and quickly reloaded another in. It landed with a clatter onto the rubble filled ground. His feet kicking the spent magazine across the deck. Roiger kept moving to the right. He grabbed a plasma grenade from his hip and rolled it in between a cluster of the assailants,then with a brilliant flash and a small scream the men were reduced to glowing pools of plasma which ate at the metal plating under their feet. The sound of boots to his right caused him to spin, and fire in a single motion, the man dropped behind him a woman also fell his rounds had over penetrated, he felt no qualms and turned back to the other attackers. He pressed on his attack, shooting down any man who tried to emerge from the rubble, between the two of them they were putting up a decent defence, though the numbers of the gang seemed nearly endless. Eventually if they were smart they’d give in. He gave another group emerging from the rubble a spray of bullets, his rounds tore their flesh asunder, each bullet was designed to turn into a fan blade and shred flesh and armor alike. The center of the bullet had a penetrating tip. Through the sounds of battle he could hear the quiet moans of the fallen enemies. A round ricocheted off his shoulder guard and flew off with a zing. Then another off his leg plate, he focused his fire on the few who were directing at him, they had split their attention between the old man and himself. He fired his weapon with on hand as he grabbed another mag, he knocked the old one out and replaced it, his firing was ceased for only a moment or two. Drawing back the bolt he jacked another shell into the chamber. The magnetic rounds were fired at near the speed of light and as such they tore their victims apart. He fired diligently, switching from target to target as he slew each one, they posed almost no threat, in the crossfire in which they were trapped. Then another shell pinged off his armor, he changed his field of firing, now having to deal with his own horde, their kill field dissipated as he dealt with those that charged him. Bullets and even a few energy based weapons impacted around him. [color=8dc73f]“You want some? Come and get it you DOGS!” [/color]They charged him running straight for his position firing from the hip and melee weapons. He cut them down left and right, his rifle showing them to their maker.