[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/dpickle_zpsx9ir6vhj.jpg?t=1445046533[/img] dpickle[/h1] [h2]Patrick "Pat" Anderson[/h2] Pat wasn't sure what he was doing, but it seemed to be working. As soon as he had made contact with the man, his hand felt like water was dripping off of it. The man also started clutching his head he could assume he was experiencing a headache. Suddenly a bunch of pieces fell into place. The first few days after the bus accident he was causing people around him headaches as well, then it stopped for a few days and now it had started again. These different time divisions also happened to perfectly correlate with his migraines. At this point it was pretty obvious that the headache thing was his "power" and it was tied to his migraines. Figuring out that he could give other people headaches gave Pat a sort of weird, sadistic joy. As if there was some sort of karmatic justice in being able to get some benefit out of the migraines he'd suffered from for so long. Leaving his unfortunate test subject behind, Pat got up and headed over to the girls with a bit of spring in his step. His mood was slightly damaged when he noticed Ester's injury and that Vida seemed to be a bit traumatized by the experience. [i]“Guys, can we get out of here? H-hey? Are the other two okay? I mean. They didn’t come with us…?” [/i] Pat took a quick glance around and saw that Cal was correct, they were two men down. At this point it would be useless to worry about them, after all it was impossible that they were in a worse situation than they were just in. "They probably ran off when the guns started firing. No point in trying to find them now, we'd just get lost. I say we try to get back to Wilson and the nice, safe, gloomy base. Unless, of course, you'd like to finish shopping first. Maybe with a tad less getting robbed this time."