[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Izkrip_zpsxvpt2vsz.jpg?t=1445077115[/img] Izkripp[/h1] [h2]Vida Curacio[/h2] The words the man on the ground said bit into her. [i]Monster. Monster... Monster.[/i] She bit her lip holding back a whimper. She could feel that her body was trembling from the shock of her earlier actions. Everything about today was wrong, it was suppose to be a normal day. They were going to get supplies so that they could live and return. Why did everything have to turn out like this? Still the man's words echoes in her head. She already knew that she had been turned into a monster, maybe it had been for the best she had been social isolated.. maybe that was why she had this awful power. [color=hotpink]“I don’t see why not. She’s scared and probably hurt. And stop calling her a monster… just stop. STOP![/color] She heard Cal defend her. She didn't actually know what to do at that point, so she reached up and pulled her hood down even more so that her face was completely hidden. She did not want anyone to see her face if she decided to cry. She was going to cry though, her hands hurt as the raw flesh touched the fabric and applied the pressure needed to pull on her hood. It was so painful. Then she felt the sudden pressure of Cal's arms around her. She wanted to push her away so that she couldn't hurt the woman. [color=hotpink]“Don’t listen to him Vida. Just don’t. You’re none of you. You’re just you.”[/color] Vida couldn't hold back her sobs anymore as she broke down in Cal's arms. Cal had managed to say one of the most important things to her. She wasn't a monster, she was just her. Just her. Just me. She couldn't stop herself from crying now that she had started. She really couldn't figure out why she was crying like she was. Was it because she was hurt or relieved? Was she scared to tears or beyond happy? All she knew was there was probably snot involved somewhere on her face. The other two that were missing didn't register to her at the moment, she had mentally and physically had enough for now. She looked up at Pat tentatively. "I.. I would like t-to go back too." At least to the bus. She need some time to recover from what had happened. If these wounds were like the ones from last night she could heal quickly.