[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Kirra.jpg_zpsknctnx5t.png?t=1445077115[/img][/h1] [h2]Jenna Baxter[/h2] “Yes, yes that is true.” Jenna said nodding in response. She was still a bit concerned about Ester’s condition but compared to everything else that was going on, there were more concerning issues to worry about. The others were wanting to go back and she had to agree. Things have gotten out of hand compared to when they first started perusing the thief which led to injuries and causing others to disappear. The repressions that would follow once Wilson and Cameron heard of what happened was one thing she wasn’t looking forward to. Eight hundred dollars was nice sum of money and it was a shame that they would be leaving it behind but facing another person with a gun or who knows what else would be waiting for them but she knew it was one thing she wasn’t keen on facing. “What the hell did you guys do!” A stern voice demanded as Josiah walked into the alleyway. “I specifically said not to stir up trouble but look what you’ve done. After the men you face yesterday do you think experimenting on these hooligans out in the open is wise? I thought that you all wouldn’t need a chaperone to babysit you all while you went shopping but I don’t know anymore.” “Calm down Josiah. Can’t you see they’ve been through enough? You ought to listen to what they have to say before jumping at them for this. I doubt they would be beating up a group for the hell of it.” Although not filled with concerned induced anger such as Josiah, his concern for the situation at hand was present as he surveyed the scene. “How did you find us so quickly?” Jenna asked with relief. Although a bit wary of the Reformers it was comforting to see someone she knew that would be able to handle a situation such as this. Tapping his head before making his way towards the center of the group, Daniel responded. “Although I haven’t been able to pinpoint who was doing what, I knew something was going on when I sensed an extra surge of power coming from this vicinity. All we had to do is follow it to the source to find you all.” “Do you think I should call Cameron? They could leak vital information about us.” “Who would believe them Josiah?” Daniel said as he gave a pity glance towards JC. “Besides, the storm that Cameron would bring would be something I would rather avoid. Wilson can patch everyone up and we can leave things be.” “You all have some explaining to do though. I’m not covering anyone’s ass until I know what happened.”