[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Ryver%20et%20Rhine%20Dear%20Karma_zpsbdu2hcau.jpg?t=1445077114[/img] Ryver et Rhine (Dear Karma)[/h1] [h2]Callie Wright[/h2] "Possibly. Anyway, you guys go ahead. I've enough excitement for one day and Vida looks like she needs some rest." Honestly though, she was a little reluctant to leave matters as they were since there was a big sum in Sam’s card. Plus, she had a sneaking feeling the boy was probably hiding inside scared to death with no one left. Normally she would go and check, but right now she had someone else to care for. Her arms relaxed a little as Vida took another heaving sob. Tears formed in Cal’s eyes as she rubbed the other woman’s back with her injured hand. Her fatigued mind was oblivious to the patchy red stains dotting the hoodie. “Vida, you’re fine. Everyone is safe thanks to you and that man.” She hugged Vida even tighter. Anger burned inside at the thought of the reckless man who almost got them into trouble. She certainly would never forgive him – hero or not. Killing another person was not the way to solve things. “We’ll head back once everyone is ready. Then I’ll make you my best hot chocolate. Would you like that?” “What the hell did you guys do! I specifically said not to stir up trouble but look what you’ve done. After the men you face yesterday do you think experimenting on these hooligans out in the open is wise? I thought that you all wouldn’t need a chaperone to babysit you all while you went shopping but I don’t know anymore.” “EXPERIMENTING? What in Jesus – Gods! People like you drive me up the wall,” she spat as her hand, which had been patting Vida’s back, clamped on the sobbing woman’s shoulder. Her nails dug into the groove between the shoulder and the upper arm. “We tried to do the right thing and get back the card you gave us. Surprise? We felt bad enough to put ourselves into this mess to save your money. THERE HAPPY?” Her eyes blazed over once more. She didn't care what else was said. The only thing that was stuck in her mind was that Josiah was accusing them without bothering to find out the truth. “Urgh! I am too tired to deal with your silly accusations right now. Come Vida, let’s go.” A door slammed against the wall eliciting several surprised gasps. There in the doorway stood the wide-eyed punk that pickpocketed Sam earlier. He gave a muffled squeak when he noticed several of them looking in his direction. In a blink of an eye, the frightened lad darted for safety, adroitly dodging anyone who wished to catch. The teen made a sharp right and all but disappeared from sight when a loud scream pierced the stunned silence he left in his wake. Anyone looking in that direction can see him backing pass the mouth of the alleyway. He mouthed dumbly as his finger pointed straight ahead. “N-no NO WAY!” He screamed as he turned around and tried to run for it.