[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Prince%20of%20Seraphs_zps6qypb9oe.jpg?t=1445046042[/img] Prince of Seraphs[/h1] [h2]Christian Tylers[/h2] Christian could hear the man in the suit start to walk again. Christian's lack of a straight forward response had given him the answer he'd desired, while Christian was trying to fathom why they were not yet dead Sam rejoined the world of the living. Christian could hear the rustle of the plastic and well as the sound of metal on metal and Sam's handcuffs clanked against her chair. Their was another noise, one that scared Christian far more than any of the others had. The sound of something wet hitting the plastic below Sam's chair. He could only imagine drops of blood dripping silently from her head wound. She'd been hit a lot harder than he had. And just as he'd suspected earlier she was familiar with this situation and also completely inept at keeping there captor from becoming frustrated. Christian wasn't exactly experienced with being a hostage but he thought that swearing at the captor was not a good way to go. At the tail end of the man in the suit's conversation with Sam, Christian became aware that something was incredibly wrong. 'If what Mr. Walker said was true' what could that thug have told him. Assuming he'd been watching Christian and Sam for awhile before he made his approach had he heard or seen anything that could be compromising, could he know about there powers? Yes, yes he could. Sam had had a good conversation with Christian about the up and downs other each others powers if Walker had been listening he'd know exactly what they could do, but then again who'd ever believe a story like that. It would be more logical to assume they'd escaped from some sort of asylum. Of course in Sam's case you could test it. Sam had told Christian that technology was her trigger, at the time he remembered thinking she was lucky to know what set her off. Now however Christian was glad that his power went off randomly because for the fear that was evident in her voice the man in the suit was likely about to see if she really could download information from tech, likely with a cellphone or laptop. Christian had to do something if this kept up neither one of them was getting out of this alive. As if sensing her panic something deep inside of Christian seemed to break, like a dam in his mind holding back all that which he could observe and that was everything. Just like before every little detail of the world around him came crashing into his head, but this time it seemed more organized, more useful. The relevant pieces of information seemed to prioritize themselves rather than just stacking up in his mind in a huge heap, the things he needed to know became readily apparent, like the exit to this large warehouse, twenty feet from where they sat. And the cellphone slowly being placed on Sam's open palm. He'd heard about what had happened to her with the lamp, if she touched that he'd be alone in this. "STOP IT!" He shouted and with his yell the cellphone with was inches from Sam's skin shot forward six inches landing on the floor. He also felt something crack, something small and metal and important but at the moment he couldn't have said what it was. "Leave her alone." He said to the man with a bit more calm. "If you're looking for something special look at me."