[@Madly33] hm.. kind of interesting Madly33, though if i may.. i will say there might be a low chance of people coming to this... I'm trying to do a roleplay based on StarCraft myself, Blizzard's other title lol, and i personally think it would be best to do one of two things if your going to make a WoW RP, and that's to either, do a different universe of it, so in other words make up entirely new events and everything including possibly new history like a 'what if' world, or have the roleplay start in the 'blank' area which is normally at the end. other words in the area that has no information, so that the roleplay can create a story for that with unique characters and new untold challenges. In other words it's best to create your own story within the world without using pre-created events from the original. when using entirely premade stuff, things tend to go wrong, I've seen some rps fall out on such things. My roleplay starts after all events of StarCraft, StarCraft Blood war, and StarCraft 2 (each of the 3 volumes) where the world is fairly much at peace.... for now lol, so I've taken the secondary option myself.