[center][hider=Ozuko] Character Sheet [CENTER] [img]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn142/anime_freak1011/new%20album%20name%20freaks/Ninja-3.jpg[/img] [i]"I like others to feel the weight of their character"[/i] [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png][/IMG] Name: Ozuko Matabi Nickname/Alias: G Gender: male Age and date of birth: 13, October 13 Age Appearance: 13 Sexuality: straight Parents: Koran and Azuya Matabi Length and build: 5.2 ft tall and athletically built Weight: 113 lbs Favorite weather and season: rainy summer days [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Village: Konoha Birthplace: Amegakure Organization: Shinobi Forces Clan/Bloodline: Matabi Rank: genin Chakra Nature: Earth [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/vmspdd.png][/IMG] Appearance: [img]http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn142/anime_freak1011/new%20album%20name%20freaks/Ninja-3.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png][/IMG] Personality: Ozuko is very tenacious and has a never give up personality. He has dreams of becoming a great shinobi and will not let anything or anyone get in his way of his dream. Even though his clan moved to Konoha after a falling out with the rain village, Ozuko still shows honor and pride for his original home and still calls himself a rain ninja as well as a Konoha shinobi. Dishonor him or parents and clan and you will see a righteous fury arise within him and he will make who made the insult pay. It because of this that he can have a short temper and has on a few occasions gotten into trouble with his outbursts of anger. Despite these flaws, Ozuko is a very loyal friend and comrade, he would rather die then abandon his allies in a mission and he doesn't fear death. When he fights he doesn't fight to really defeat others, but tries to defeat himself in order to get stronger. Socially Ozuko can be rather friendly to those that he likes and will stick up for those he calls friends. As a teammate he will work with others to get the best out of a team, but Ozuko can sometimes be selfish and rash in his rush to try and prove himself. Ozuko also views his clan and their bloodline technique as being superior to all others and will boast about it, especially to the Uchiha and the Hyuga clan members. His ninja way is the idea of pushing oneself to their limits and breaking through them to get stronger and fight for what they believe in. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] History: The Matabi clan was one of the greatest ninja clans of Amegakure and their Gravity Release techniques became known throughout the great shinobi nations. But beneath the legend there was turmoil between the village and the clan. The Matabi wanted Amegakure to advance and grow in strength to become a great nation, but the government decided on keeping a more neutral stance and refused to expand. This caused some bad blood between the ambitious Matabi and the rest of the village. It was during this time of an uneasy relation with the village that Ozuko was born and his childhood started in this division of clan and village. He could feel the tension, but he didn't let it get in the way of his dream to be a great Rain shinobi and he began to train hard to try and learn his family's bloodline technique. At first he didn't seem to show too much promise and was considered about average in ninja skill, but he didn't let it get him down. And so Ozuko kept at it and wouldn't let his results keep him from improving his shinobi skills. When he was nine years old his training was paying off and he starting to show more promise, but that is also when relations between his clan and Amegakure worsened and finally his clan decided that they would leave the village and immigrate to Konoha. Ozuko was shocked at the news and didn't want to leave his home, but he had no choice. When they got to Konoha they were at first treated as outsiders and viewed as a weaker clan compared to the Uchiha and Hyuga. Ozuko was determined to show them that he was great ninja and began to train even harder to obtain his dream. At age 10 he was enrolled in the Shinobi Academy and he tried to do his best at trying to graduate with flying colors. While he did manage to graduate with above average grades, they weren't the excellent grades of some of the other students. Ozuko was slightly disheartened by that, but he swore to himself that he would do better in the Chuunin exams. After that he became a genin and was assigned to Squad 14 lead by the Jonin Nagisa-sensei. He hoped that his time as Jonin would be successful and get ever closer to his dream. Theme Song: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ7AJ_SV2sw&list=FLdAf0Rt2EDBxeC7ktnztJeQ&index=2[/youtube] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png][/IMG] Weapons/Items: Name of Weapon or Item: Shuriken Description: basic ninja throwing stars Appearance: [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/57/Multiple_Phantom_Shuriken_1.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20101002225113[/img] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Name of Weapon or Item: Ninjato Description: a single handed shortsword Appearance: [img]http://www.heavenlyswords.com/images/T/Naruto_Anime_Sasuke_Kusanagi_Grass_Cutter_Handmade_Sword__NAS870.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/15qxeus.png][/IMG] Skills/Abilities: Ozuko is very skilled in the arts of Ninjutsu and taijutsu, but his ability to use and understand Genjutsu is very limited and is his main weakness. He is very quick on his feet and uses agility over brute strength. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Special Traits: Very high - chakra High - speed good - body strength Bad - senses bad - genjutsu countering Horrible - range attacks [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Kekkei Genkai: Gravity Release Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai: Gravity Release allows the user to manipulate the forces of gravity through the use of their chakra allowing them to use ninjutsu techniques based around the manipulation of gravity. With Gravity Release Ozuko is able to create effects such as lowering and increasing the gravity of objects and people through the use of placing seals on them. This bloodline technique can also change the flow of gravity to repel objects away from him, or draw things to him. He can also perform techniques that create attacks of concentrated gravity and even create spheres that can have a powerful gravitational pull. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Jutsu: Canon Jutsu: He has the basic jutsu that most genin learn from the Academy. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Whac-A-Mole_Technique]Whac-A-Mole Technique[/url] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Custom Jutsu: Name of Technique: Gravity Release: Crushing Ball. Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: C Range: short Nature Type: Gravity Handseals: tiger, Ox Description: After making the appropriate handseals, Ozuko creates a glowing green ball of concentrated gravity in his hand, which he can slam into his opponent and upon impact will hit his enemy with a good amount of concussive force. The size and power of this technique is determined by how chakra is put into it. Weakness: Although powerful it is very costly in chakra if used too many times and the technique is only a weaker version of the more powerful technique that allows for the ball to become a projectile. Because this technique is short range it requires for Ozuko to make physical contact with his opponent, which can leave him open to be hit with ranged attacks. Finally this technique can be very taxing on his chakra if used recklessly. ==================== Name of Technique: King of Force Type of Jutsu: supplementary Rank: C Range: mid Nature Type: Gravity Handseals: Dog, Ox Description: By placing a seal on the target whether it be himself or an opponent, Ozuko can then manipulate the gravity of whatever has the seal placed on it. This technique allows for him to do a variety of things such as increase or decrease the gravity of the target or change its flow and allow to be pulled or repelled in different directions. Weakness: Even though the seal focuses control over the technique, it still costs the user a good amount of chakra to keep up the technique and requires focus to not let it fail. Also for him to place the seal on an opponent he has to make physical contact with him at close range and thus has to time it right in order to not be counterattacked. Name of Technique: Heavy Hammer Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu Rank: D Range: close Nature Type: Gravity Handseals: tiger Description: Ozuko increases the gravity of one his feet or hands and brings it down with a large amount of force to add extra power to the blow. Weakness: The weight can cause his kick or punch to hit harder and possibly hurt himself if too much gravity is applied. This technique if used too many times will also tax his chakra reserves and strain his body. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Summons none right now Name: Species: Age/Gender: Size: Unique Traits: Jutsu: Name of Technique: Type of Jutsu: Rank: Range: Nature Type: Handseals: Description: Weakness: History/Personality: [/CENTER][/hider][/center] [center][hider=relationships] [u]Mao no Kagami[/u] I know he's a higher rank than me, but come on, how could someone so care free and laid back advance to the rank of Jonin? Technique isn't just what being higher rank is about in my opinion, it's about hard works countless training. You could probably drop a bomb on Konoha and he'd still want to gaze at cloud formation instead. And as for his spider summon, no no no, no spank you I already have enough spider nightmares. But I will admit I am slightly envious of his clan's mental defense bloodline technique, I guess you can't have everything with a Kekkei Genkai. My clan's is still better of course. [u]Shingetsu Hozuki[/u] When I first saw her I wanted to call her Shark Girl after seeing her teeth, it seems like a common trait for people from the Mist Village. Joking aside I like her determination and focus, but she's prickly and I may have a bit of a temper, but at least I can open up to people without too much difficulty. She's also not too much of a talker either, seems like the strong silent type to me. [u]Satoru Yamada[/u] Oh God one of these guys. I'll tell you how I refer to these people, see I know gravity and let me tell you that Satoru is like a person who is constantly repelling gravity around him. I don't get what the guy's problem is and he acts like a lone wolf and who the hell knows how his teammates put up with that. I'm thankful that I don't have to share a squad with him, but at the very least he seems rather talented and I think some jokes would do wonders for his social life. [u]Nagisa Hana[/u] What the hell? Who the hell smokes in front of kids especially their own students? I don't get it, I now firmly believe that achieving higher shinobi ranks will be rather easy if smokers are doing it. Smoking is such a bad habit and terrible for the body. I only have one addiction and that's hard workouts and ninjutsu training. I of course can't be too rude since she is my sensei and I will admit that she is fun at times, but I'm not too much of fan of her snarky remarks. If she makes one really bad remark about my clan then we'll have a teacher student fight. It also seems rather fitting that her Bloodline Technique utilizes smoke. [u]Tao Mei[/u] Nice kid, he has the fire of great shinobi within him and I'm surprised of his confidence when he looks like someone could snap him in two. Tao is very emotional like me, but he's more positive and supportive, while I am more fiery and interested in the conflict. We're both stubborn, which will probably drive our sensei mad if that stubbornness interferes with carrying out orders. I will admit that the boy has a huge love of freedom and I've almost felt the heat of the burning fury in his eyes when that freedom is threatened, makes me wonder if I have a rival in my quest to become one of the greatest shinobis of all time. Also his Inferno Kekkei Genkai is rather interesting for a form fire nature based bloodline technique. [u]Asuka Koizumi[/u] I think the words insanely obsessed with manners is a proper description of her. Being proper and formal seem like her bread and butter. I understand that since I too come from a high ranked clan, but she doesn't know when to just relax the formalities and it makes being around a chore. I like to do things at a very fast pace and try to achieve my goals as quickly as my body will allow, but she's slow and I don't care much for slowing down for others. Life is a competition and speed is almost universal in determining the winners and the losers. All the negativity aside, she does have a good sense of loyalty to her clan and I respect that, she also seems determined to become a great shinobi and those are qualities that I like to see in a ninja. One more thing, I will definitely try to beat her in a sword fight someday, that katana of hers doesn't scare me! [/hider][/center]