[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Prince%20of%20Seraphs_zps6qypb9oe.jpg?t=1445046042[/img] Prince of Seraphs[/h1] [h2]Christian Tylers[/h2] As Christian got over the initial shock of having the world pour into his head certain details that a moment ago were not relevant to the crisis Sam was about to go through now presented themselves. Little things, like the Bluetooth ear bud in the man with the suit’s ear, the body of the man that had attacked them, Walker lying at their feet dripping blood, a fresh kill. Christian started to panic somewhat, it was became immediately clear that as he’d first thought the man in the suit was not alone. Christian had most of the warehouse mapped out in his head but whoever the man in the suit was talking too was likely just a little further. If Christian had to go to extremes (which they were at) he’d have said there were snipers on neighboring buildings and likely some very well-funded thugs waiting kill anyone that exited the warehouse without their boss’s permission. The last detail that Christian realized was the source of that metallic crack that he’d caused at the same time as he’d sent the phone flying, it was the handcuffs he and Sam were wearing, he’d accidentally split one of the links of the cuff along the original wielding line. With a bit of work the might be able to get themselves free. Without time to think of that Christian decided that this was the time for a bluff, something big with both their lives on the line. If he was lucky they’d both get out of this alive. If Lady Luck wasn't smiling on him Christian prayed Sam had some sort of plan cause this was the last card Christian had to play. Christian drew in a slow even breath. He needed to appear calm, collected. He straightened in his chair his face deadly calm. "I wouldn't' do that if I were you... do you have a name? Well it doesn't matter either way you'll be dead soon enough." Christian paused for a moment to let that sink in. It was of course a bluff but if he could add enough weight to the threat this man might just be inclined to let them go. "If you'll look on my arm you'll see a long white scar about six inches across." It was from a piece of shrapnel from the accident that cost Christian his eyes but right now it could serve as a bargaining chip. "My employers inserted a GSP tracking device effective worldwide in order to keep an eye on my activities. My partner and I work for a terrorist cell, a break away from a covert government project." The best he could do was mix a little truth in with the amount of complete bullshit he was churning out. Christian kept his face neutral. "My boss is in possession of a very rare form of mutigene that gave birth to the abnormalities you've observed. It gives us the edge when dealing with the government. Our goals are not important, the important thing is that Sam and I are insignificant enough to the organization that no one would think twice about sacrificing our lives to protect the agenda. The agenda that you have compromised by abducting us. If my estimation of the time is correct we have been out of contact for an hour and forty minutes past our last check in. Standard protocol dictates that should one of us be unreachable for more than two hours a covert explosive strike is to be executed on the co ordinates of there last known GSP signal. You have twenty minutes, now you have two choices you can either let us go and I can promise you'll never hear from us again or we can all die together." Christian was fairly certain at least some of that had come from half a dozen different spy movies and TV shows he'd seen in recent years but it didn't matter. They were in a dire situation and if they were lucky the man with the suit would think that no one would be stupid enough to spin a story like that unless they actually had the resources to back it up. He could only pray and hope that Sam had some other plan in case this fell threw.