[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Kirra.jpg_zpsknctnx5t.png?t=1445077115[/img] Kirra[/h1] [h2]Jenna Baxter[/h2] A look of uncertainty crossed Jenna's face as listened to Josiah. She had a feeling that this would be coming but was a bit relived when Cal spoke up for the group. Wondering if Josiah would argue back, she watched him tentatively as Cal headed towards the building. However instead of anger she saw a hint of something else written on his face but before she could wonder what exactly it was, she saw the teen dart past her and into Pat who seemed to be more than ready to intervene. Although the kid was a bit dazed he was still awake and conscious. With the opponent now just a teen as well as having the others as well as the added support of Josiah and Daniel with her, Jenna wasn't too afraid of stepping up and getting the situation resolved. "Just give us the card back. We'll let you go and end everything right here." Jenna said stretching her hand out towards the kid. "Unless you want a taste of someone else's power? Who knows what we could do to you?" "Fine." Jake said as he reached into his pocket and retrieved about six different cards. "I'm not sure which one is yours but just take it. Take them all." Tossing them in front of him Jake tried to get to his feet and get away before anyone else could do anything to him but stumbled as he got up, obviously still feeling the residual effects of Pat's ability. "Seriously?" Daniel chuckled as he watched the kid run, almost running into a garbage can when he looked back towards the group to make sure he wasn't being chased. "If they all were as pathetic as this kid and still tried to steal from people, they deserved what was given to them." Stooping down to collect the cards, Daniel pulled the one that belong to them out of the stack and pocketed the rest. "So who's the unfortunate one that got their card stolen?" "Sam." Jenna said. "However, we don't know where she went. Christian is gone too." "Wilson is going to be pissed about this." Josiah said as Vida brought up wanting to go back. He could see that she wasn't in a good state and out of the probably the worst one off out of the group. "Let me bring you back. It'll be faster and besides me and another person if they want to come along you won't have to see anyone else, besides a very concerned doctor." Josiah said with a sigh before looking towards the others to see if any of the others wanted to take the quick route back. "Have you located them?" Josiah said turning towards Daniel who appeared to be busy with an unfocused gaze. "I think so but without being around the Charlies long enough I cannot be certain. It's a bit too far for a blind man and a teenager to end up by foot given the amount of time that has passed so they have either hightailed it out of here or something happened. However they are close to the end of my range so I can't be exactly sure on my findings. It does look like none of the Bravos are there so I don't think it's the TSP unless Pearson is leashing them up like dogs again." "We should go find them. I don't think they would be the type of people that would leave unannounced like this." Jenna said looking intently at Daniel. "We can send those that are injured or wanting to go back to the base back and the others can go search for them. We can't just leave them behind. What if they are in danger?" "We don't know what we are getting into, it might be dangerous your guys since you are not trained." Josiah giving a slight motion towards the alleyway at what the group already got themselves into. "It might be dangerous but I promised Sam when I met her that I wouldn't let whoever was after her to get her back. She was freaking out when she spoke about whoever was after her and I intend on keeping my promise." Jenna said with determination. "Fine. You all need to go to the van either way so you all want to pretend to be superheros, go right ahead. Just make sure you have a group consensus on whether or not you're going after them." Josiah before walking towards Vida and waited to see if anyone else would be joining her. "However if it is big, don't just rush in. We might need to get together and hash out a plan with the others."