[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/BlessedWraith%20Weaver%20-%20Copy_zps7aq7ebmi.jpg[/img] BlessedWrath (Weaver)[/h1] [h2]Samantha Cole[/h2] The man in the suit smiled, almost psychotically. He stood up, then took a step back from the two in the chairs. "Secret agents," he said with false reverence. "Wow, I don't know what to do with that." He paced for a moment, though it was questionable as to whether he had done it for worry or for sarcastic effect. Eventually he came to a stop near to where he had first addressed the two captives. "I don't know what's worse," he stated calmly. "That you think I'm stupid enough to believe this load of propaganda, or that you're desperate enough to try it." He snickered, walked his line briefly, then faced them again. "I mean, really? Secret agencies? Standby rescue squads? Next thing you'll tell me you're KGB. Oh, please, don't let me fall prey to the Kremlin." There was another shark grin, then he turned his head to the side once again. The following conversation was not difficult to make out. "Are you tracking any signals?" "Negative." "Scan again. We don't know what these people are capable of." When he again brought his gaze to bear on his two hostages, he seemed less like a murderer and more like a businessman. "Cards on the table time," he offered neutrally. " I'm here to determine your usefulness. What you tell me has a direct bearing on what I tell my superiors. If you want to be obstinate, then it's not my funeral. I'll just get transferred to the East Side and work the protection angle for a few years. But if what my associate whispered into my ear before I gave him what he earned was true...Well, then we could all be much better off than a shallow grave in the Industrial District." He paused for a moment and, working with the damaged phone he had retrieved, turned the display to show them a very telling app. "This tells me that, although there are many, many signals being broadcast in the local area, none of them are for your extraction. So if you want to make out like you're the Contra Team, then, by all means, tell me another one. Otherwise, I'm ready to get down to business."