[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Prince%20of%20Seraphs_zps6qypb9oe.jpg?t=1445046042[/img] Prince of Seraphs[/h1] [h2]Christian Tylers[/h2] At this point Christian had lost all hope in his story, though in all fairness it wasn't that far from the truth. There wasn't any possibility of the man in the suit believing it but at this point Christian was stalling for time. They'd not been gone long enough for the Reformers to be looking and likely they were somewhere off the grid, if this guy was paranoid enough to set up snipers and signal trackers a secure location wasn't really a stretch. No at this point Christian was buy time as he worked out a plan. Earlier he'd accidentally split one of the links on his handcuffs along the wielding line. It wasn't much but with some time and pressure in the right places he could get it to bend. He needed time for his plan and luckily it seemed the man in the suit was amused enough with criticizing and mocking Christian's story to keep the charade going. He was careful to keep his face impassive as the man in the suit laughed at his story. "I never said secret agents, that implies that we were sanctioned and authorized by the government. I also never said anything about a rescue squad. As I said we are not high level operatives, the organization would sooner drop a bomb on the both of us than risk our knowledge falling into the wrong hands, your hands. I estimate you've got about sixteen minutes." As Christian spoke he'd been very slowly leveraging his fingers in between the weakened link. It was bending, slowly but surely. The metal bite hard into his fingers, it wouldn't be long before he started to bleed. "I am rather fond of living and your little mafia family doesn't really concern me overly, so you let us go right now and you'll get to live to 'work the protection angle on the East Side' if not then as I said we all die together. And if my tracker could be picked up by every idiot with a cellphone we wouldn't exactly last long as a group." When Christian got his hands free it wouldn't take him long to undo the zip ties on his legs but Sam was a different story. He needed a way to signal that he was free without tipping off there captor. He needed her to get herself out of those cuffs or else they weren't both going to make it. He wouldn't have time to release her once the man in the suit realized he was off his leash. Once the bullets started to fly if he and Sam weren't both ready to run they were in big trouble. Christian worked at the link as he threatened the man in the suit. Soon enough he felt the metal begin to bend but after a couple of minutes a sticky film of blood coated Christians fingers. He paid it no mind, there would be time to lick his wounds later. Right now he needed to get out.