[@Flamelord] [center][h2]Lord Starkiller[/h2][/center] The jedi seemed oblivious to Starkiller's presence, even after he got slightly interrupted by that stranger. Now it's the time to strike! There was no time to loose! Starkiller makes a running start and leaps off the edge of the building, igniting his lightsaber as he plans to bring it down on the unsuspecting jedi. But the torguta was quick and by simply pure instinct she rolled to the side, allowing the sith lord to miss, yet adjust by rolling and getting back on his feet, ready to do combat with the jedi. He slowly gets up on his feet, lightsaber reigniting in his hand and fills the newly transformed battlefield with his own raspy, mechanical breathing. [b]"Jedi."[/b] he simply says , [b]"So there's still jedi lurking around the multiverse... how interesting."[/b]