[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/rGGQWoL.png[/img][hr][h3][color=#A31919] [b]Cardinal[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [b]C[/b]ardinal was showered with light. Long columns of gold broke through the dense clouds in slants, moving along the earth like blocky fingers. The etherious that sat upon the top of one of Oak Town’s famous castles whistled at the sight. It was impressive, something he had rarely seen in all of his years on Ishagar. In his lap, resting in between his crisscrossed legs was an old, cracked skull. It had long since lost any remnants of its former life and yet it held it tenderly. One hand cuffed its chin while the other clamped its crown. [color=#A31919][b] “P[/b]eytra, look at the sunshine. Its really, really bright. Looks like god’s trying to fry everyone with magnifying glasses.”[/color] he laughed and stood up. As soon as he did, the wind tugged at the long tails of his scarf; the strength tightening them around his neck. [color=#A31919][b] “E[/b]asy big fella, it was just a joke.”[/color] Cardinal said, loosening the grip the crimson clothing had on his bare neck. The antenna-like bangs of his hair bent and billowed lightly in the breeze, he could feel the irritating pull. [color=#A31919][b] “T[/b]he winds of change are blowing again, Peytra. Where to now?”[/color] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CyYjvrD.png[/img] [h3][color=#B80000][b] I S S H U M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] [b]F[/b]or several long minutes, Isshum was unresponsive to Alice’s calls. Though his magic did stabilize rather quickly thanks to her efforts. [b]A[/b]s light fluttered between his lids, Isshum groaned from a severe throbbing in his chest. The after pain of his magic limiters suppressing the great flames inside of him. He sat up with haste and urgency, unsure of what had happened in the last few moments. First his gaze met Alice, who he knew had been affected by whatever happened to him. [color=red][b] “A[/b]re you… Are you okay?”[/color] he asked softly, his eyes even softer than his voice.