[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Kirra.jpg_zpsknctnx5t.png?t=1445077115[/img] Kirra[/h1] [h2]Jenna Baxter[/h2] A smile started to creep onto Jenna’s face as she saw the man start to stop. At least there was some progress. Closing the gap between the two as the man spoke, the realization of what step two entailed started to sink in. How was she supposed to convince a complete stranger about weird powers that she barely understood and wanted to do nothing more than get rid of them as well as the fact that there was two warring groups in which she had to blindly put her trust into one of them so that she wouldn’t be confined as a prisoner, or worse. Looking back with a pleading look for the older man to hurry up, Jenna knew she would have to start up the conversation before Pat would have the chance to arrive. Why couldn’t convincing someone to join a group she knew for only a day with tendencies to kidnap people for the sake of convenience be just as easy as convincing a class full of preschoolers that biting your classmate is a big no-no. “Well, Daniel seems like he knows what he’s doing so I trust him when he says you were effected by the serum too.” Jenna started to say as worked on pushing her nervousness aside. “Think of this as a safety precaution if you don't anything weird has been happening to you. If you're clear, good. You can walk away and think that I'm some sort of lunatic but if you were effected, wouldn't it be good to know what is going on?” “Do you have a quarter? You must have one seeing that you are out here busking out on the streets. Would you believe me if I could prove to you that I'm not crazy because maybe you haven't seen these weird things happen to you yet?” [h2]Daniel[/h2] Maybe giving the Charlies the job of recruiting the newest Charlies they came across was the best idea. Taking a few paces away from Ms. Priss and the Foreigner, Daniel looked in the direction of the Runaway, Grampa and the Coward. He wasn't very keen on letting another incident occur and the distance the Runaway created wasn't something Daniel was very happy about but at least the trio stopped. As long as the Foreigner didn't have any nosy friends nearby to get in the way, the biggest concern was making sure the Runaway could be convinced instead of taking off again. At least if push came to shove hopefully Grampa could stop the man in his tracks because pulling a tranq gun out in the middle of the park wasn't the best approach while trying to be discrete, although the Coward might have already screwed that up with her yelling. Glancing down at his watch as he made his way back towards the bench, he knew that they needed to hurry. Who knew when Cameron would be back but things needed to be resolved before then, or at least the best they could, or else a huge argument was in store for them in the near future. [h2]Garret and Masaru[/h2] “Well,” Garret started to say as he worked on fishing his keycard from his pant pocket. “Christian seems like a pretty good guy. He seemed pretty quiet when I saw him but between being stuck in a van and during breakfast, I doubt everyone was as chatty as they could be.” Garret before leaving a slight pause as he tried to come up with specifics that Masaru would deem usable. The lack of time was really an issue and being stuck in the infirmary away from the group wasn’t very helpful either. Besides Cameron, he had the least exposure of those two from the rest of the Reformers and at this point in time hated that fact. Swiping the card and opening the door for Masaru, Garret looked at all the equipment they had. If push came to shove, there was enough to arm both the Reformers and the Charlies if fighting was deemed necessary against this foreign group or even the TSP. Garret only hoped that if they ever reached that point the Charlies would have enough time to train so that they wouldn't be defenseless. Things would quickly become messy and he wasn't very keen on seeing that happen. Another round of bloodshed due to the serum was one thing he hoped to avoid. “It was kind of interesting though, for a blind guy he didn't have a cane with him.” Garret resumed as he tried to shove his previous, more somber thoughts aside to focus on the present. Added negativity would do nothing to help the situation. “Hmm, but I wonder if that's only because he was taken by the TSP without one. Either way, he does pretty good job as a blind guy. I don’t know what his powers are but if he was able to keep up with the Charlies when they were chasing after the gang, I wouldn't doubt he would have some sort of sixth sense as his power.” “Sam was an interesting kid from what I saw. It's kind of sad to see someone as young as her get involved in all of this though but since we haven't heard her speak about her parents or had to find a way to avoid an Amber Alert or some other child abduction alert, I don't think she has a very good relationship with them or maybe wasn't with them at all before all of this.” Garret said as he picked up one of the nearest handguns and curiously examined it. He was far from being the weapons expert within the Reformers but knew enough to notice that even during the hiatus, someone was taking good care of the weapons, if not a tad bit too much seeing how clean everything was. “She did have some sort of medical emergency earlier today though. I don't know what all it was about and I doubt Wilson figured it all out yet but it must have been because of her powers so keep an eye out for that if you see her.”