[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Izkrip_zpsxvpt2vsz.jpg?t=1445047384[/img] Izkripp[/h1] [h2]Vida Curacio[/h2] She was deep in thought when the woman's voice made her jump. Her eyes were wide as she whipped her head around to look at her. [i]Was she one of them? Or one of the ones that was taken?[/i] She couldn't remember, but something told her that the woman was one of the new 'recruits' just like herself. Maybe she could or would help her. "I-I need to-- to leave here. I need to go there. Th-th-they aren't h-here and I need to be... need to be with them there." She rubbed her head with a little more force allowing her wrapped fingers to be surrounded by the strands of her hair. She knew that she was not making any sense, but it was the best that she could do with her mind scrambled, the pain, and being hungry. "I-I just need to go h-home. No one will feed them, they will di... Die. They can't die. I need them." She choked back the raw emotion that bubbled up when she thought about her cats dying. She was going to leave no matter what, even if it meant her dying.