[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/of%20Dirt.jpg_zpsr2giublf.png?t=1445047384[/img] of Dirt[/h1] [h2]Katsuro Nakamura and Cameron[/h2] With the new identities and the folder with the new assignment inside a sealed envelope Cameron made his way down the street. Things didn't work out exactly as planned this past week but there was till two more vials of the serum left if the Charlies turned out to be a bust but new game pieces involved in this whole mess did have its potential especially with how much things have been stirred up so far. It would only be a matter of time to see how far Pearson is willing to take things now that old wounds were being reopened. Crossing the road Cameron made his way towards the park. He heard that Daniel and a few of the Charlies were in the area and instead of walking all the way back or getting Josiah to pick him up it seemed easier to hitch a ride with them. Katsuro was walking down the block and about to turn into the park at the same time Cameron was. He furrowed his brow a little in annoyance as the game of chicken began. They were both going to walk into each other and they both knew it, but neither was about to stop to let the other through. Katsuro quickened his pace so that at least he got into the park first and walked ahead. Their broad shoulders collided. "Tch," Katsuro spat with a grimace. "Watch it, carrot top. I don't want to catch gingivitis," he added before turning away and continuing into the park. Cameron's blood instantly went to his head. "What?! What did you say?!" he roared as he grabbed Katsuro's shoulder and pulled it toward him. Katsuro's most prevalent memories flooded his mind; namely of those just several hours ago when he panicked at the realization that his body had disappeared and the nightmare prior. Cameron understood the feeling. Nearly all the Charlies had a similar panic when they first realized that something was wrong with them and had no idea why. As he looked at Katsuro, his emotions quickly traveled from anger to confusion before he came to accepting that he was about to get into a fight with a Charlie. "Great," he hissed softly under his breath as they stared at each other with gritted teeth. "You were in that accident not too long ago," he added, with a tone that suggested it was more a statement of fact than a question. Katsuro saw the man's face change drastically from rage to recognition, as though he had known him personally, but he could swear he had never seen this man before. He would've recognized him for sure. The mentioning of the accident made it even weirder. How could he have possibly known that he was in it? There must've been a dozen people. "Let go of my shoulder," he said calmly. "Just making sure it's still there," Cameron replied as he let go of him. Katsuro did his best to maintain his composure, but the mysterious man's choice of words left him in a state of confusion. Even if he's just screwing with me, Katsuro thought, he knows things about me that he shouldn't know. "We need to talk." "You can blame it all on Wilson's incompetence later on if you like. I already had my candidates chosen before that old man screwed everything up so don't think you're the only one having to deal with the mess the accident caused." Purposely skipping all formalities Cameron led the man towards a secluded bench away from the majority of the traffic within the park. "I bet you have questions swirling in that temperamental head of yours. I don't want to hear them until I'm done." Katsuro poorly held back showing his amusement and grinned a little, but he kept quiet, still unsure if he was dealing with a psycho or if he had legitimate information. Taking a seat on the bench, Cameron gave a slight shrug towards the spot next to him before continuing to talk. It didn't concern him if the man sat down or not. As long as he didn't have some sort of idiot that decided to run off, Cameron didn't care what the man did. "I'm not here to try and force things onto you or deceive you or any other shitty tactics the TSP might try and do. I'll give you the run down of things and it's up to you to decide how you want to deal with it but after your eventful night I'd say listen and choose wisely." "You're not alone when it comes to having powers. Besides myself, we currently have eight other Supers that are from generation Bravo such as myself and two known people who are a part of the original Supers scattered between the TSP, the Reformers or off on their own. Adding in the mess the crash made last week, who knows how many generation Charlies are running around the city." That was one thing that concerned him. Adding to TSP's number was an issue in itself but having untrained individuals running around the city with no understanding of their powers would be problematic as the Charlie's powers grew stronger and potentially driven by their own motives. "The TSP were once a secret organization within the government in charge of creating super soldiers and looking at myself and your disappearing act last night I think they were quite successful.” Cameron said, moving forward in his brief introduction. So he does know, Katsuro thought. And what I saw was real. Although a chill went down his spine, his apathetic face hid his anxiety. People with super powers sounded ridiculous, so he still wasn't going to rule out that maybe his room was bugged and that this was all an elaborate prank. As he continued to speak, a look of disgust started to creep on Cameron’s face as his disapproval of the TSP continued to show. “Honestly if things didn’t go the way they did, there would be much we would be able to accomplish. However greedy, power hungry bastards seem to always find a way to ruin things, don’t they?” “That’s why we separated from the TSP and the corruption they stand for. It might seem like you are being tossed into a feud between us and honestly speaking, you are. However the alternative is being forced into the TSP and their policies they try to enforce on us in hopes of keeping us under their thumbs. Besides the obvious rule of don't be an idiot and all that encompasses, the only rule, or rather guideline, we have is watching out for each other. Hell, if you change your mind and rather be off on your own or stupidly decided to join the TSP, I won't stop you. I doubt you would get that choice if you started off with the TSP." "If you rather live in your own ignorance without us or the TSP, you might as well walk away and never use technology again. They have someone with the ability to spy on all of that and it wouldn't be long before they break down your door and nab you. I'm not here to make a choice for you. Come with me and not only will I'll teach you how to use your power but to master it. Supers were made to be extraordinary and I can help you tap into that power." "Okay, wait a minute. How do I know any of this is true? What's your power and can you demonstrate it?" Katsuro asked, his eyes looking around. "Inconspicuously, of course." "I already have, you just weren't aware of it. I can retrieve one's memories when I come into physical contact with them. This is how I knew you were one of us in the first place," Cameron paused, seeing that Katsuro wasn't entirely convinced. "But that probably isn't good enough, which is fine, since I just mentioned that the TSP are more than capable of spying on you using your own tech. I also saw you jumping off of something, presumably to your death. I don't know what the hell that was and I don't want to know, but you're still here and you don't strike me as particularly suicidal, but I could be wrong. So, if you still intend on ending your own life, do me a favor and join the TSP." "No," Katsuro muttered, rubbing his tightly shut eyes in frustration. "That was just a bad dream," he assured him. So, he has something similar to mind reading, he thought. That's dangerous. This guy already knows something about me that nobody else does. He opened his eyes again and thought carefully. He realized his life was about to change forever, but it didn't necessarily need to be in a bad way. I'm a super, he thought. If he mastered whatever his power was, the possibilities could be endless. In the face of the stupefying amount of possibilities, however, he couldn't think of one thing he really wanted to do, but at least he knew where to start. There was no telling what this man's true intentions are, but he figured that he must've been correct to say that if he didn't make a decision here and now, a decision would be made for him at some point. Katsuro figured that if he was at least telling the truth about helping him master his abilities, that was all he needed for now. "Well, if a decision will be made for me at some point, I guess I don't have much of a choice and I just don't have enough information right now to make an educated decision," Katsuro said, feeling awkward. Although it wasn't clear, it seemed to him that this man would be the leader of the group and the fact that they met having literally bumped into each other and at each other's throats didn't sit well with him. "So my primary concern at the moment is..., which side has the prettier women?" he asked, grinning and chuckling a little for the first time. Cameron couldn't help but crack a smile for just a moment. "That'll be with us," he played along. "Well that settles it. The name's Katsuro, by the way," he said, reflexively wanting to put his hand out for him to shake, but that also meant that he'd learn something else about him. He hesitated. Cameron snatched it like it was prey. "Cameron." "Dare I ask what memory you just received?" "You're supposed to have a date with somebody named Ariel tonight. Sorry about that," he replied sarcastically and with a bit of a smirk, understanding that because of their encounter he'd probably never see her again. His smirk faded as they got up to leave, not letting Katsuro's smooth talk get the better of him. He still didn't want their initial dispute to go unaddressed. "And before I forget; you call me carrot top again and we're going to have a problem. Got it?" Katsuro cracked a little smile for a moment before returning to his default, straight face. He was entering a totally unknown world and knew he would need allies like Cameron, but his natural inclination was not to trust anybody. He was already thinking of how to counter his ability, aside from simply avoiding physical contact. Although he had nothing to hide, the thought that he may someday have something to hide and Cameron could have direct access to it bothered him. He wondered if the memories he retrieved were random or if it had to do with what was on the target's mind. There was no way of knowing. Not yet, anyway. But no matter who it was, a good ally to Katsuro was one you also knew how to defeat. Just in case. "Understood." [h3]Kirra and of Dirt Collab[/h3]