[hider=Rida Master of Cuccos] Name: Rida Romani Age: 13 Sex: Female Race: Hylian Handiness: Left Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/OnvOqIS.png[/img] Inheritance: Gate of Souls: It allows her to summon creatures from other worlds, she most commonly summons chickens to do her bidding. But has been known to summon other creatures as well including deku’s, though she strains herself to summon the dekus and will only summon them when in a corner as they have been known to turn on her when she does so. Personality: Rida is like a coin. She has two sides to her personality. On one side Rida is a kind and caring child, she is also extremely curious often getting herself into trouble even. On the other side of personality is one that is darker, and power hungry, where it came from is a bit of a mystery though. Recent history: Much of Rida’s early past is questionable, but for the post part Rida grew up on a farm. Rida one day the wagon that Rida was riding broke. When she went into the storage room she found what she thought was a wheel, however once she touched it she found that it became a the Gate of Souls. Ever since she has been using the power of the gate to perform various deeds within the guild. Personal Goal: The make Cuccos a respected power. Three strengths (Not just combat) 1. Understanding Cuccos 2. Early awake 3. Skilled with a pitchfork, though she doesn’t carry one. Three weaknesses (Not just combat) 1. Physically weak 2. Can’t swim 3. Loses control of the portal from time to time. Greatest Love: Henry, the Cucco Hates the most: Questions about who she is descended from Misc: Has a Cucco named Henry who can sense other Descendants. [/hider]