Sabine stepped out from behind the doorframe as Meesei spoke. When she was done, Sabine proceeded to walk over and sit down on Meesei's bedroll opposite her, mirroring her posture. Sabine didn't look as shocked as when she had found Meesei, but she was not leaving her alone so easily. "Are you scared of something?" Sabine's eyes told that she was seeing right through Meesei's attempts to brush her off. [hr] As much to comfort himself as Ahnasha, Fendros put an arm around her and pulled her close while they walked, giving her upper arm a quick rub. They followed Vharei into the chamber and found it relatively unchanged from the last time. Some supplies and bedrolls were scattered about. Vharei's very similar looking sister, Saraya, looked up from a scroll she was reading in one corner. Her tail moved in controlled flicks when she saw them all, but she didn't pay any further mind. One doorway to one side had a curtain drawn over it. The smell of sweet tea was in the air here. "Father is waiting for you inside," Vharei opened the curtain that separated Najirra's personal chambers from the rest of the room, "I can mind your cub if you wish." "Thank you, we should be fine," Fendros said. He took a deep breath, then pushed the remainder of the curtain aside and stepped inside. The first thing Fendros saw was the frail old man, Najirra, with a sweet smile spread across his face. Unlike his daughters, he was an Ohmes Khajiit, so his appearance was more like a Bosmer than any Khajiit that Fendros knew. He was sitting cross legged on a pillow in front of a small raised table. "Ah, I am glad that you have arrived. Please, seat yourselves. This one welcomes you into his domain." There were two other pillows around the table, Fendros lowered himself onto one of them and put his crutch to one side. The rest of the room was strangely warm and relaxing. There were tapestries on the walls depicting flags of some distant culture, though there were one or two Dunmer flags that looked familiar to Fendros. The small table had a glowing heat stone beside it, and on top of it were implements for serving tea. The steam rising from the pot and the smell it exuded confirmed that it was freshly brewed. Very subtly, Fendros felt a charge of magic in the air, but for what purpose, he didn't know. "Now, Ahnasha, Fendros, you both know me; I am Najirra. Though, I am different today than from when I was a judge. My role is different now. I hope we can begin anew so that we might have the best chance of helping you." Najirra began to pour the tea from a tall pot into three small cups. "Let us first drink some tea. I have found it is best for calming the nerves." Najirra put down the pot and picked up his own cup in two hands. He closed his eyes as he sipped the steaming water. Fendros carefully took a cup for himself and looked inside. The tea leaves seemed benign enough. "I don't want to sound rude, but did you put moon sugar in this tea? It...doesn't agree with me." Najirra looked up and raise his brow, "Hm? Oh, no, moon sugar addles the mind too much for this. This is just black tea and beet sugar." It wasn't clear what Najirra had in mind, exactly, but Fendros hesitantly sipped the tea. It was sickly sweet and piping hot, but the sensation of warmth that branched out from his oesophagus made his chest involuntarily relax. His uninjured shoulder twitched in response. "Firstly, how has your day been? How have you found life in the clan to be since you arrived?" Najirra still held his cup in both hands. Fendros glanced at Ahnasha. Did he really summon us for small talk? "I'm sorry, Najirra, we were under the impression that you wanted to talk to us about other issues-." Najirra raised his hand to interrupt. "We will hunt our game one footprint at a time, we shall start with the small things and follow them to the larger things." "Okay..." Fendros was dubious, "It has been different here, but very stable compared to outside. We have been faring well." Najirra then looked to Ahnasha. [hr] Janius wandered around for a short while until he found Kaleeth again. He certainly didn't expect her to be surrounded by excited children, much less observing how calmly she seemed to be talking to them. Janius was curious to see how she would take the attention, as well as what tales the children had weaved of her deeds. He leaned against a table nearby behind her and watched on, listening. He smiled to hear Kaleeth take a prouder stance to her beast form. "So what!? My brother says that Tola could snap a shield with her bear hands!" One of the more loud boys boasted. Another boy became cross and turned to him, "Shut up stink-face! Kaleeth could squash Tola flat!" "What about Lorag? I heard he fought a hundred hunters in a little corridor." "Do you shink you could beat Lorag in an arm wrestle, Kaleesh?" One of the younger boys with a lisp asked. Behind Kaleeth, Janius was trying desperately not to laugh. He had no doubt that Kaleeth could best Lorag in a feat of strength again, but if he could hear this, he would be livid that Kaleeth was getting more praise.