Sabine's mouth twitched into a smile for a moment. She couldn't imagine being in the same position as Meesei now, with so many people depending on her, but she was glad that Meesei was willing to say what troubled her. Sabine had to think for a moment to respond, but she decided not be be complicated with it all. She shuffled forward and gently brought Meesei into a hug. "You're strong enough to do this. I know you are." [hr] "Indeed. Your alpha has taken on many tasks since she has arrived. A time of war is nothing if not busy for the champion of Hircine." Najirra said before taking another sip of tea. Even though he was only halfway through his cup, he placed it down on the table in front of him and weaved his hands together on his lap. "Now, we will turn to the furthest past next, in order to know you two better. Tell me, briefly, what your life was like before you were both turned into lycans. If you were born with the gift, tell me of all before your first turning. Give me descriptions, and do tell me what brought you to being a lycan and joining your pack. Fendros, you may start first." Why Najirra needed to know about their pasts was not immediately obvious to Fendros. He supposed it might help to know the experiences that shaped them, but something about the question right after the seemingly inconsequential one before was off-putting. Nevertheless, Fendros gave an answer. "It was happy enough, my childhood, my adolescence. I lived with my family in Cheydinhal. My parents were immigrants from Morrowind, so they were strict people, but we all took care of each other. My adopted brother and sister kept me company even though we weren't encouraged to go out and interact with other...lesser races, my father would call them. I liked to hunt, I liked to fence, I was in the Fighters Guild for a time. My life ahead of me was to make wine on my father's vineyard. It was stifling sometimes, though. I would strike out on my own to go hunting in the woods. During one hunt I was attacked by a feral werewolf and infected. I killed the creature, but was gravely wounded. Meesei found me and I joined her pack after that. I didn't really have any choice, but it had benefits," Fendros gave Ahnasha a smile. "That was one and a half - maybe two - years ago now? I haven't been keeping close track of time." "Are there any points in that time that spring to your mind? Any good or bad experiences that come back at odd times?" Najirra probed further. "Well, I've always had the attack in my mind. I thought I was going to die, but it's not something which comes up in my mind, not really." Fendros thought for a second, "Well, my father would shout when I had done something wrong. When I was a child, he would even beat me if I had done something particularly bad. That memory comes up when I've done something wrong, but not...I don't know, it doesn't seem important." Najirra simply nodded, "It is all important if you remember." His head went to Ahnasha again, "Ahnasha, tell me of yourself. Include the memories that come up at odd times." His eyes flicked to Rhazii, "My daughters can care for your cub during our conversation if you wish. It is not the first time they have done so." [hr] When the demand to see Kaleeth transform escalated to a certain point, Janius pushed off the table he was leaning against and intervened. "Enjoying a reputation, are we?" Janius strode to Kaleeth's side and put an arm around her. He addressed the children directly, "I'm not sure you urchins are brave enough to behold a werecrocodile. You would all wet your little breeches!" As expected, the reaction from the children was protest. Janius was deliberately riling them up. Janius murmured to Kaleeth's ear more quietly. "Do you want to try transforming in the main chamber? You can just break a few things in your mouth, you'll have much more control this close to a hunt. How do you feel about it?" Janius would understand if Kaleeth was not comfortable with it, but he thought it might be a good confidence booster.