Meesei returned Sabine's hug, and maintained it for somewhat longer than usual. "I know; I will be because I have to be. There is no chance in Oblivion of me letting you, nor any of the others down. When the time comes, this clan, and every other clan for that matter, will be ready for whatever Vile has in store for us. Of course, that also means [i]you[/i] will need to be ready. Do not think I have forgotten about you neglecting your training. We will start having an actual schedule for your training, instead of doing it whenever you are in the correct mood. It is not ideal, but I think you need to turn your training into a habit." Meesei's tone was not overly serious or accusatory, but she did intend to follow through with her word. Nevertheless, even she was not interested in training at the moment, or anything even remotely related to her responsibilities, for that matter. Her scales were going to lose their color twenty years early at this rate if she kept herself at such high levels of stress. "But, that is not a conversation for this moment. When I said I intended to relax, I meant it. How would you feel about going for a swim? It has been too long since I have been able to do anything with you, or anyone else in the pack." --- Ahnasha adjusted Rhazii in her arms as she looked down at him. Currently, he was just looking around curiously at the room, and Najirra in particular. "Well, if he starts acting up, I suppose I wouldn't mind. Right now, he just seems happy staring at your fur." She said with a slight smile. She paused for a moment to take another sip of the tea, which she was really beginning to grow attached to. Internally, she was wondering if Najirra would be willing to teach her how to make it herself, but as that was not very pertinent to the matter at hand, she pushed off the thought for later. For now, he was wanting to know about their past, from before they had even turned. At least it sounded a bit more related to their problem than simple small talk. "I was born in Leyawiin. As you can probably tell from my speech, I was raised essentially like an Imperial. My father was a Bosmer from Valenwood, but just like my mother, he had adopted the Imperials' ways. My mother taught me about Elsweyr, of course, but Imperial culture is what I know best. They were merchants, and wanted me to be the same. It was a stable life, certainly; I was better off than a lot of other children in the city, but...well I know it sounds petty, but it was boring. I can't think of a time where I actually [i]wanted[/i] to be a merchant. Luckily, they let me indulge in my adventurous side. I started hunting, as well as dabbling in the spell tomes that would pass through the shop. Eventually I learned about Hircine, started worshipping him. He...inspired me to hunt bigger, tougher prey. After killing a minotaur in his name, he evidently found me worthy, because he directed me to Meesei. She was the one that gave me the gift of beast blood. I faked my death to cut off ties to my family, and haven't looked back. That was years ago; maybe...six or seven? I wasn't much older then than Sabine is now. for memories, I don't think I really know what you mean. I do think about my family occasionally, but I wouldn't say I'm really bothered by any memories from back then. I mean, I did think about the last time I actually saw them when we passed by Leyawiin on the way to the Imperial City, but I wouldn't say that is unusual. The only memory that has been bothering me is the waking vivisection I lived through." Ahnasha explained. -- At first, Kaleeth was relieved when Janius arrived, as he could presumably say something to the children to keep them from demanding that she transform. That seemed to be what he was doing when he first spoke, but much to her surprise, he actually whispered to her to [i]encourage[/i] her to go along with it. Given her fear of transforming, it was not at all confident doing, and it surprised her that he thought she was ready for something like that. "I, um, oh, are you...are you sure? Transforming makes me...nervous. I mean, I guess I can do it, but-" Kaleeth began, but at least one of the ever-attentive children was listening closely to her slightly-too-loud of a whisper. "You'll do it? Oh, thank you, thank you! This will be great!" The Bosmer boy shouted, followed by cheering from a few of the others. "Oh...okay." Kaleeth responded, rather distraught that she had accidentally agreed to this. Regardless, she looked to Janius, as if waiting for him to lead the way to the main chamber.