[hider=Cecelia's pic] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8d/91/73/8d9173de55c5fae7f9d97c0bc5f36e12.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Cecelia Age: 98 (roughly 35 human years old) Gender: Female Race: Elf Appearance: Cecelia has the equivalent of a swimmer's body: slender, but toned. Backstory: Hailing from Lothadia, Cecelia was considered the best scout and stalker- stalking animals for the bow-hunters- they had. Cecelia decided that her ability to stay hidden could also be used to hunt monsters, and decided to leave after passing on her knowledge to a few others who wished for her scouting skills. She easily took to the daggers, hardly weighing her down, and made her way to Drovia to become a bounty hunter, hunting monsters for the highest bidder. When she heard of the Monster Hunters, she figured it'd be a better job with less dry spells. Personality: Cecelia is very quiet, but is usually friendly when she does talk, unless she's on a mission, then she gets really serious. Weapon skill/choice: Dual Daggers Weapon picture: [hider=Dagger] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/piratesonline/images/a/ac/Dagger_C.png/revision/latest?cb=20100831202314[/img] [/hider] Power/ability: "Fey Step" - short range teleportation within sight (10 feet) Other Info: (Anything that doesnt fit in the above sections, optional)