The innkeeper laughs at what happened. He looks at Emmett holding a worried grin. "Young man, the rubber band is the least of our problems. Mister hysterical may have called them here." He crouches down behind the counter, and soon appears back with a small, old first aid kit. He places it on top of the counter. "Here's my only first aid kit. Mind you, I have no idea how to use it." The bus driver has his hands on his hair, pulling in his frustration. He makes no noise now, but still obviously in a state between panic and shock. He sits down on a chair, clutching his wounded shoulder. Emmett's search for possible barricades yields some results. In the immediate area, there's a couple of old wooden chairs, one large sofa, a coffeetable, and a tall but narrow bookshelf. Attempting to barricade the door may at least slow any whom will attempt to break in, but doing so will cause more noise.