She watched the Yeti fight against each other on top of the turtle. It was lacking some more variety she wondered for a moment or two before a idea came to her. ''Un you dont mind me adding some more variety in the food chain for your two headed creatures? '' Selipisi stretched and closed her eyes it will be a little thing, she could feel something much bigger coming to her. Like a fruit on a brunch slowly growing till it get rip. To the north of the turtle the waters started to shift waves could be observed. A yeti with a head on his shoulder stopped hitting on a yeti with the head on their forearm. Colors started to break the water as they emerged. Colors belonging to a coral reef. All of it corals eatable, but reaching them wouldnt be easy, it was the home to countless poisoned snake sorts of all sizes. from the small ones which poison could drop animals twenty times bigger then them self.Up to the gigantic snakes living in the caves under the coral reef each one easily swallowing the yeties in a single bite. There was something amiss, the colorfully reef needed a touch more... And with it a small island in the middle emergeed protected by the reef and snakes it was decorated with a tropical and welcoming smelling plants. ''Now they have something more to fight over.'' She mumbled as she chracked a eye open to look what the other gods were doing. [hider=Actions] [b]Roll:[/b] +8 [b]Previously Stored Points:[/b] +8 [b]Events Bonus:[/b] 0 [b]Actions:[/b] [i]Shape Land[/i], used on two squares, (10,-17) and (11,-18) a colorful coral reef with a small island in the middle of each square. [b]Cost:[/b] -6 [b]Remaining Balance:[/b] +10 [/hider]