Meesei smiled. "Well, asking is generally a rather certain method of determining the truth, but...I know that is not the answer you want." She began, though she could not confess to knowing an easy answer to Sabine's question. In truth, she did not believe there was a such thing as an easy answer. People were complicated beings, particularly in matters of such intense emotion. An answer that would fit well in one scenario could be directly harmful in another. Still, it was good that Sabine was finally opening up her emotions to others, so she wanted to give as much helpful advice as possible. "Honestly, the answer is likely much more complicated than it should be. I was raised in a remote part of Black Marsh, so what I know may not necessarily apply here. Our traditions, and the way we approach others, are different. Although, I imagine that would mostly influence how you are meant to approach one you are interested in. In my village, we were all rather open with one another in most aspects of life. The very name of Argonians in our tongue, Saxhleel, means 'People of the Root.' We were all connected to the Hist, and in turn, one another. There was no taboo in simply declaring one's feelings to another. But, I suppose that is not what you asked; you asked how to know if he is actually interested to begin with. My advice is to watch him in the same light as yourself. People's innate habits tend to be similar. Watch and see how often he wants to talk to you compared to others; see if his actions toward you mimic any of your own. Or, look at your friends who are in a relationship with another. See if you can find any of the details in how they act with each other in how he acts towards you. Nothing is guaranteed to work, of course, but it is a start." She explained, her volume mimicking Sabine's. It was not long before the two reached the pool chamber in the lower levels. As it was midday and many in the clan were busy, it was not especially crowded, though there were of course others present. Some were adults, relaxing and talking among one another in and around the pool. Others were younger, around Sabine's age, and most were swimming much more actively. Looking among their faces, Meesei was sure she recognized that at least a few of them were among those that she had seen Sabine socializing with. There was also one excessively nervous-looking boy, perhaps a year or two older than Sabine, who was standing, or perhaps hiding, behind a low wall half as tall as himself a short distance from the pool, on the far side from the entrance. As they entered the room, Meesei found a corner to undress and place her belongings. As it was sufficiently far from the pool to be out of earshot, she whispered to Sabine. "You know some of the others here, yes?" --- To Ahnasha, nothing that Najirra said was truly a surprise. She was not expecting an easy nor quick solution, as much as she wished that were possible. She was skeptical that he would be able to help them at all, as even he seemed surprised when she mentioned the degree of trauma that she experienced. Still, they had to try, as they had no other plan in mind for how to heal these scars. "I agree as well. I...well I honestly do not know what to expect, but I do not intend to give up, no matter how long it takes." She answered. --- Kaleeth was obviously nervous, though having Janius being the one suggesting the transformation did bring her some comfort. "I...I don't know. I'm not confident, but I don't want to upset them. You already said I would transform. If you think I can do it, then...I guess I can. Just stay with the children, okay? And don't be afraid to stop me if I do anything wrong." She answered. With only a hint of reluctance, Kaleeth walked with Janius to the main chamber. As usual, there were many who walked through the main chamber on their way to different parts of the ruins, but at the moment, there were no actual gatherings in the chamber itself, apart from the children grouped together near its center, where training usually took place. Though still visibly nervous, Kaleeth found a place to discard her clothing, then stepped out into the center of the chamber. "I...guess I should start." She said, closing her eyes and letting out a deep breath. At the very least, she did know how to transform on command by letting the beast out of its mental cage. As she felt the transformation coming, she braced herself; it was always painful.