By the end of Jeremiah's watch the world decided to spin, turn and spit back at the Templars stationed in and around the castle. It was a cruel joke, a twist of fate none besides the most cynical could have foreseen. They had all gathered there to discuss fighting something new, Jeremiah wasn't privy to what, exactly, was discussed, but it seemed to him that his curiosity was sated when the camp was attacked. A great many of the Templar forces gathered that night, and it was a perfect opportunity to wipe them all out, the devil's advocate would claim, and he wasn't wrong. By the time Jeremiah had abandoned his overrun post and ran back to the tent of his men the camp was rudely awakened by fire and devils. The armies were at a disarray, fighting broke out as each man took arms to defend themselves. Templar turned against templar in the confusion, and blood stained the dirt. Jeremiah could not bear to see it any longer. He aided men along the way, fighting their battles with them, and dragging them with him. He could not find Gipper, but Cork who was already dressed to replace Jeremiah at the watch was fighting nearby, and Fenrin was not took far off. It was then that the skies were lit up with three lightning bolts, which was the only remote sign of good news the whole night. Jeremiah lead his men away, fighting through disguised cultists and infernal demons. Templars were killed while more took their place as the force cut its way to the lightning bolts. Jeremiah used his magic to unify and shield them from the horrors about them. He casted a powerful spell to cal their minds when a massive figure appeared in the sky, breathing green flames, revealing itself to be a dragon. He rallied his men and continued southwards, when he reached what seemed to be the location the sparks originated from. It was swarming with an army of cultists lead by a terrrifying demon, with no other Templars in sight. Jeremiah rallied his men, casting another spell to lift their spirits and prepare them for the assault - the men stood together, shield by shield, and when Jeremiah's sword lit up in flames and spilled light all over the battlefield the group of Templars charged at the disorganized force as it wassearching the area. "Fight for the man at your right", Jeremiah hollored at the men following him, "fight for the man at your left", they charged forward with their swords drawn, "and for your own lives, FIGHT!".