[hider=An Old Geezer][center][h2]"Age is irrelevant, Skill is all that matters"[/h2] [img]http://www.wallpapername.com/thumbnails/detail/20121101/fantasy%20art%20dwarfs%20anvil%20swords%20smithing%201980x1200%20wallpaper_www.wallpapername.com_84.jpg[/img] [i]An image of his spare time[/i][/center] Height: 167 Centimeters of Experience Weight: 96 kg of muscle RLN: Sakamoto Ford IGN: Pembroke Ironforge Age: 54 (thats right 54) Race: Leprechaun History: Probably the oldest beta tester, Sakamoto is a avid fan of games and when it came to VR and what he saw would revolutionize the youth he knew he had to get on board the beta testing, This garnered him odd looks from his nephew but Sakamoto didn't care. He was a old man whom refused to act his age, hence his muscular build. (which is also due to the fact he works as a iron worker) Never the less his race of choosing in Alfheim was something that was more of a backseat, perhaps it was because he didn't want the younger players to have a old man running around in their party, who knows. but Sakamotos Skill as a Smith is undisputed. Personality: Pembroke is a No nonsense fellow who knows how to work the economy, his age grants him the experience needed to lead, and lead he shall. His skills are a prime defining factor of what a Leprechaun is capable of, as such it is hard to impress him, further more his age has made him a little impatient, preferring conversations to be quick and to the point, because as to quote him "I don't have time to waste". This is due to his greatest fear of getting to the age where he can't pretend to be young anymore. When it comes to Alfheim onlines economy, he can be a very convincing barterer always getting items at a cheaper price then other people. However his personality has a few issue's. For instance if your a player killer seeking mercy from him... don't bother or else you will be executed or imprisoned indigently without remorse because in Pembrokes eyes, The only way to deal with those people is to remove them from society. Character Build: Artificing Proficency Weapon Smithing proficency Equipment Smithing proficency Heavy Armor Basic One handed weapon basic (Tomahawk like Axes) [center]Artificed creation [h3]Mechanical Raven[/h3] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0f/9a/af/0f9aaf184eaa4ee33a45808537d2b60b.jpg[/img] [i]A device that can be used to send your voice messages (comes with a repeat function) good for advertising and addressing large crowds in your absence. It has a low health bar however so it may easily be destroyed by enemy's... so it has niche usage [/i] [/center] Other: He doesn't like the flying part of Alfheim online. [/hider] (got a thumbs up from Animus, 3 hours ago Xd)