Here we go: [color=98FB98][h3]Mel Lender[/h3][/color] [img=256x144][/img] Age: 31 Power: Time Loop Personality: Mel is the hardworking janitor of the school everyone seems to go to. He's a talkative guy if he catches you alone and if he's not working, which he usually is all the time in the day. It's impressive how efficiently he gets around, if you forget that he has a time-loop power. Because of this, he'll usually hang around and chat a bit in the morning and late afternoon if people are still around, but the rest of the time he's literally running around mopping up mess and fixing projectors. He has ambitions, but not the motivation to follow them. Notes: He has an 'office', which is actually a janitor's closet the size of a handicapped toilet stall where he keeps his tools of the trade. Sometimes if he's on break, he'll take a nap inside, or a smoke outside.