[color=a9a9a9][h3] Jack [/h3][/color] [color=a9a9a9][i]"fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck"[/i][/color] Jack ran straight down the street, searching for an escape, somewhere, anywhere. Maybe once he turned this alley ahead he could hide- [color=00746b]"Hey you!"[/color] Jack looked over his shoulder to see the cop he stole from behind him, and looking straight at Jack. [color=a9a9a9][i]"FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK"[/i][/color] Jack ran faster and pulled a trash can down to the sidewalk as he passed, hoping to buy some time. He turned into the alley where he saw a fire escape. There is no Plan B. He got onto a nearby dumpster and jumped for the fire escape, and just managed to hold on. With the cop approaching, Jack climbed as fast as he could... [color=98FB98][h3]Mel Lender[/h3][/color] [color=98FB98]"And there it goes miss. Projector just wasn't connected right. Have a good day!"[/color] Mel left the classroom a few minutes after he entered it. He looked down at this notebook, which had everything that will happen today written down. Apparently, some kid'll throw up in a half-hour's time, and the florescent light delivery should be coming in a few hours. That means he has some time left to chill. He was told by his boss that he ought to be patrolling the school, just in case, but since Mel already knows exactly what'll happen today, there's no real need for that, and his boss doesn't care as long as he doesn't get any angry letters from the school, which he hadn't in this timeline. [color=98FB98][i]Then again, I have plenty of time to spend, and I don't feel like sitting down, so I guess I'll take a walk around, why not.[/i][/color]