Jett woke in the morning, groggy as usual. He could never wake up until he'd had multiple cups of coffee. He went through his morning ritual of heading to the showers, dressing, and heading down to the cafeteria. He took his Scroll out and checked the news. He blinked in surprise at the headline on the VNN homepage: "BEACON STUDENTS FOIL DUST ROBBERY!" It wasn't the fact that it was students that had done it; he knew how promising this year's crop was. Rather, it was two of the girls in the photo. One was a blonde, grinning and flashing a V-for-victory hand gesture. The second was a shorter girl, with black and red hair in a pixie cut, and silver eyes. He recognized the girl in white as the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company; the girl in black was completely unknown to him. But it was the first two that held his attention. "Ruby? Yang?" the young man murmured to himself. "What are you doing on the front page...?" He knew both were capable students and fighters, but to do this?