Welp - apologies for the late response! Been trying to clear RP backlogs accumulated from the delay due to haze in my region... Anyway. [quote=@malmshodes] I kind of like the idea of it almost being a random occurrence. My idea was someone, or something was causing problems in the multiverse and that was leading to rifts where things just sort of spontaneously went from one plain of existence to another. [/quote] This reminds me of [i]Dissidia FF[/i], which has a similar concept: the heroes/villains from the various main titles were brought together into an omniworld; the cause of the problem is the fight between Cosmos and Chaos. Something like that? [quote=@malmshodes] So the actual quest would be really simple. Hmmmm... What if the guy was attacked by some kind of bandits. The thing is he doesn't really know what they stole since it was kind of like a storage war scenario where he bought all the stuff from an unpaid for storage locker and then one of the people who lost the bid took everything. He doesn't really care about what's in there he just wants us to get the stuff back from whoever stole from him. (He plans on getting revenge on his own.) Since he doesn't know what's in there he won't care about the devices we'll get. Idk, I just like this idea because I can't think of many ways our characters would get devices like the ones we're talking about as a reward for a really simple task. [/quote] I'm not trying to say it has to be that simple - it IS a device that allows the user to jump across the parallel worlds freely, of course there must be some decent obstacles that we have to get through to prove themselves worthy to get it. As for me, I was thinking along the lines of something with a bit of fun: some creature (or bandit) stole an item from one of us - we would chase it to its hideout, where we found out there's a mountainous stash of stolen treasures hidden inside. We would probably met a NPC who was also a victim like us; in exchange for reclaiming back his stolen possession, he would give each of us the device--- Ok, I'm really thinking along the lines of those starter quests in most video/MMO RPGs. ^^; Also noticed the thread bump in the check - maybe we can get more people to do this together? Tbh this idea works better with more players but maybe keep that to a max of 4? Just to let you know that I'm not able to be online that often, bi-weekly frequency is the best I can manage for now. If you feel that a 2-week wait is too long then I'm afraid I'll have to really drop this... :/ I cannot keep up with speed-posting, and I like to spend time to do a good IC response rather than churning out a pointless post just to keep the game going on to nowhere.