Meesei let out a chuckle. "I do not know why he would fear you, but he certainly seems afraid. I may be able to imagine why; is he a new lycan? He looks quite nervous to step out from behind that wall." She commented. Looking across the group of people that Sabine pointed out, Meesei could not help but to smile. She of course knew about the fact that Sabine had been making friends, but it was even more encouraging to see them in person. She could see the excitement in her expression as she pointed them out, and the familiarity she had with them. It was such a drastic change from how Sabine acted when they first found her. Meesei had known that Sabine had improved drastically, but this was the first time she was able to see the effect it had on how she interacted with those outside the pack, those she was less familiar with. "At any rate, I am not certain on how you would like me to approach your friends, if you would like me to speak to them at all, so how about you lead the way?" Meesei suggested. --- Ahnasha had a difficult time even just listening to Fendros' account of the event, and its effects on him. So, when Najirra shifted his attention to her, she froze up a moment. Her breathing was more rapid, and her ears flush with blood as they tried to rid her of the body heat building within her. She swallowed, trying to drum up the will to speak. " it really necessary to describe how that affected me? I seems fairly...apparent what that would do to me. I was cut open, from my collarbone down to my stomach." She explained, using her free hand to trace down the path of the blade. She pulled apart some of the fur on her abdomen to show the rather prominent scar just beneath it. "I was kept alive and awake by healers who trained specifically to be able to heal [i]without[/i] numbing the pain. I saw my heart beating in my chest with my own eyes. I don't think it did anything to me that wouldn't happen to anyone else who went through the same torture." Closing her eyes a moment, Ahnasha let out a deep breath. "All the same things that have been happening to Fendros have been happening to me, at least mostly. Organs and...dead meat don't bother me, it's just when the owner is still alive. Different nightmares, but along the same lines. I haven't had it as bad as him for a while, but I think that is just because of the medicine, and I'm almost out..." --- Kaleeth did not react immediately to the shield being rolled to her, and she tried not to even pay attention to the fact that the children were there. For the moment, she only wanted to make sure she retained her faculties. Being in control while in this form just seemed so...unnatural. She looked down at her massive, clawed hand while flexing and contracting the fingers. It was almost like it felt more "right" to have the beast in control while in this form. At least then, she did not feel like she had to confront the fact that this body was [i]actually[/i] hers. After a few moments, and a few shouts of impatience from the audience, Kaleeth reached down and grasped the shield awkwardly in her rather large hand. She could feel the beast in her mind, but it wasn't demanding anything of her...yet. She brought the old battered shield up to her mouth and snapped her jaws around it with as much force as she could muster. Of course, that was [i]far[/i] more than was necessary, as the training shield did not have anywhere close to the durability of the steel-reinforced shield she had snapped before, and the jaws of a werecrocodile were perhaps the strongest in all of Tamriel. Though, it was not as if the children would know any of those details. To them, she was a fearsome lycanthrope who could snap a shield with scarcely any effort. Kaleeth cast aside the remnants of the shield and turned towards Janius and the rest of her audience. She knew she should turn back, but at the moment, she did not actually feel nearly as...angry as she had expected.