[h3]JELDare's Kids[/h3] [@floodtalon][hider=Exam] "Foolish..." A voice murmured from nowhere as he passed through the door. He was revealed to be standing on a silvery floor, it extended forever, as did the horizon. There was no end to the room, neither up, nor in front of him. The only thing in the endless expanse was him, and several feet away, a robot. It was average human size, the only notable differences were that its left arm was a long blade, and the metal it was made out of was blood-red. A whirring noise was made as it lifted its head and examined Chen. "Good, you have arrived." and it lunged forward. Its long glistening blade lunged forward in a lethal thrust, it was fast, certainly faster than an ordinary human. [/hider] [@TheUltimatum][hider=Exam] The lich raised its hands dismissively and a cluster of bones rose from the ground colliding with the blast of aura, splintering to pieces as well as blocking the blow. He didn't even bother turning around and said in a gravelly voice, "[color=gray]Hmph, you think a creature such as I would waste my time studying a mortal like you?[/color]" As he spoke a group of three skeletons rose behind him, each armed. The middle one with sword and shield, the left with an axe as big as Ephilates, and the right with a bow. The one with an axe charged swinging wildly, and the one with the bow began firing shots, the one with the shield stayed behind to protect the archer.[/hider] [@Slendy][hider=Exam] Belle sighed disdainfully as the shots he fired went right through her, seemingly with no effect. "[i]I didn't say those were the only things that wouldn't work now did I[/i]"she asked playfully. "[i]I'm going to have to ask you to give up, or else I might have to hurt you.[/I]" Her eyes gleamed with sudden malice and she flickered out of view again. If he looked left or right he wouldn't see her because she was on the ceiling, somehow sticking to effortlessly. Silently she grabbed one of the tiles that made up the ceiling and ripped it off, hurling it at Kenny, the only clue to this attack being a cracking sound from the ceiling before the textbook sized piece of building came flying towards him.[/hider] [h3]Finished Examiners[/h3] [@olcharlieboi][@Minimum][hider=Exam Complete] When you woke up you would be in a fairly small classroom with a projector set up covering an entire wall. An automated voice spoke from a megaphone at the end of the class, where the teacher would normally be. "[b]Congratulations on finishing your exams. If you wait patiently we will show you part of the exams. One part for several contestants will be dueling, when this occurs, the duel will be displayed on the screen. Until then please feel free to converse or wait as you please.[/b]" On their desks would be paper for doodling and a full range of colored pencils beside it. There was also a air-hockey table, a foosball table, and finally a table tennis table. How fun.[/hider]